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  1. F

    Is 5mm Thick Enough For A 4f Tank

    Think of glass as stone. 5mm is fine. Of course the thicker the better,(''Thats what she said'') Big companys wouldn't sell them if the didn't hold up. IMO.
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    Whats The Best Cuc To Clear Brown Algae

    It sounds like Diatom algea.All tanks get this threw the cycle period.If this is the case it will go away all by itself.
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    Nitrate Weirdness

    how deep is your sandbed? do you run a skimmer?
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    Why Use Red Light For Night Viewing?

    As soon as you use one you relize why too use it.Everything just goes as if your not there its pretty cool.
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    What Shrimp?

    Like Musho said, Shrimps Aren't much of cleaners.Get a small Lawnmower Blenny.Mine is a tank cleaning machine.
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    Quick Eye D

    I'm thinking it could be a Elysia Tomentosa.If this is is it safe?Thanks.
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    Quick Eye D

    I just found this in my tank.Is it just a lettuce Nud? What do you think? Thanks!
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    Clown Fish

    Should be ok IMO. What kind of starfish?
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    Whats Happened To My Brain Coral

    I didn't know that you could reverse this process.I currently have a tounge coral that has currently started to show skeloton.sux.
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    Help Please!

    There is a product called ''No Ich'' It looks just like water.Made in ohio. This is completely reef/invert safe with no copper! This stuff performs miracles on your tank. I have way to many corals and lr too ever get a fish out of the tank so for me I cannot stress how well it works. my tangs...
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    Tassel Filefish

    All I know is I want one of the real bad! ever since the issue of aquarium fish about them eating aptasia.And easier to care for than a copperband.So I read. Looks good and 2'' should last a while in there.
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    Fao Musho!

    Either way that's awsome lookin! love to pay just the feeding bill!
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    Ph Levels, What Should They Be At?

    Ski knows alot better than I, But def on the high side like he said.
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    All In One Kits Or Buy Separately?

    IMO if your not worried about spending alittle extra money the all in one kits are nice becouse you know you got everything you need to start.If your looking too save as much money as possible than buying it piece by piece might be the best.Either way with the kits you still need to add several...
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    Ph Levels, What Should They Be At?

    Just to be safe i would get it around 8.2-8.3. Also what kind of test kit are you using?
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    Goby/pistol Shrimp

    Anything(Paired) Should be purchased as a pair to be sure They are a true match.I have learned if you want a clown to host a anemone go to the fishstore and have them scoop out the clown and the anemone its playin in! I have multiple anemones in my tank and my clowns don't even look at them.Good...
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    Cleaner Shrimp Missing

    After molting my cleaner will hide for days sometimes even longer!
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    Its so safe I feed it to my fish! lol.When I frag my coral I super glue the piece I cut to lr.Works great. As for your angry clown you shouldn't have any problem with adding coral.
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    Bristleworms- Predators?

    That cracks me up! like how modern you said that! like its just across the street or something lol! maybe its just me. good stuff!
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    Worst Moments In Marine Keeping

    Skimmer overflowed and water got into my wall socket! just about caught the house on fire, Lucky for me I was home and was able to run to the breaker box and put out the electrical fire! it was the closest too a hard attack I had ever had! scary scary!
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    Frogspawn Bleaching?

    Yeah I'm in the same boat. It was all white so maybe its going back to normal. Thanks for your time man.
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    What size is the tank? I know its not part of a cuc but a Lawnmower blenny is the best investment I've gotten.Def get some turbos, astreas, Nassarius. I even like a couple emerald crabs in my tank. peppermint shrimp help for the pesky aptasia!
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    Frogspawn Bleaching?

    The coral acts just fine and seems completely normal wich is why I cannot figure it out. it has seemed to be getting better as it was all like the white in the picture. Thanks ski.
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    Frogspawn Bleaching?

    Since ive had it there is something living in side the trunk (the side of the stem). I sticks out and releases like a white film and then anything that sticks to the film it pulls it into its mouth slowly.I dont know if that would effect the coral or not.And what is it? i havent been able to get...
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    Frogspawn Bleaching?

    I have a Massive Frogspawn and it has started to bleach. Now i have been told that it could be that the tank is getting to warm and that would cause this to happen.All the tank stats are great and about 20+ other corals in the tank look perfect. So my question is, Has anyone delt with this and...
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    New Leather

    Seems strange to me. If there is no more munchin the coral should recover just fine. You can just about cut them anywhere and they will grow back.
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    Torch Coral Lighting

    My torch opens the biggest in the sandbed. Also if there is to much water flow on this coral it dosent seem to open all the way.good luck.
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    I Feed It ...they Take It Away

    I have the same problem however its my cleaner shrimp. It was hard to feed my bubble tip but i swear the anemone learned to close up instantly when id feed it. Now when i drop a chunk of shrimp to him it quickly closes. amazing to watch it beat the shrimp! good luck.
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    Raising The Ph

    Easiest way is to just buffer it. Lfs will have it. It will raise your tank to 8.3 and keep it there.Wont allow it to go higher either.
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    Lack Of Polyps On Corals

    Mine do this all the time and is perfectly normal. Try adjusting waterflow more torwards them to help them shedd.
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    New Tank Success

    Couldnt agree more with you on the sixline! there awsome. tank pics!
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    Attack Of The Clown!

    I think your right. Plus from the looks of it i wouldn't be able to get to the rock. I just read to let them do this a few times and then put a tile in there spot so that you can remove it. Thanks for all the Help and advice.Ill atleast let you know what happends. :good:
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    Attack Of The Clown!

    yeah right nobody would give one of those up! lol. STD, Thanks for that it was very helpful. I have everything including the extra tank except for the food to feed them wich i will order today.Hardest part will be getting the rock out that they are going to lay the eggs on due to the crowded...
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    Attack Of The Clown!

    What if I was able to put the rock into a breeding basket? has anybody here tried this before? how complicated is the process to get them to hatch and could I just acclimate the rock with the eggs into a spare tank(by itself) or do the clowns need too attend? This is probably way complicated but...
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    Attack Of The Clown!

    Lol. Those triggers are no joke in the wild! And I didn't notice until tonight but one of the clowns is absolutly cleaning a area of rock. Seems tho the clown is even keeping other fish away from this area.I'd say it is safe to say you guys nailed this one! What are my options? Other than them...
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    Attack Of The Clown!

    I'm not positive on there age.I have had them for 7months.They both came from the ocean.I'd have to say they are much larger than the typical Ocellaris bought in a lfs.The behavior is very unusual for this pair of clowns as they are normally peaceful.The male wants me dead! I once was scuba...
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    Attack Of The Clown!

    Ok I have had a pair of ocellaris clowns in my 75gallon reef for 7 months and they are usally very happy. Today I get home from work and its feeding day. I go to put my hand in the tank and the male clown litteraly attacks my hand! now I have all the typical reef fish...
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    Should We, Shouldn't We?

    On a tank that size I would highly recommend a Skimmer.I have a 75gallon reef with over 30 corals and 90lbs of live rock and I do not have even close to that much money in mine. that kit sounds way too high.def shop around there are always people selling there setups.good luck.
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    Final Decision

    IMO the lawnmower is a must have fish.Mine really keeps my glass in check! I have heard there feeding was tricky however mine has never had any probs.Eats out of my hand.And very tough and entertaining. Downside is not a real swim around type of fish.Probably find that he will be behind your...
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    Powder Blue

    I am in the same situation with my powder blue. I have had this problem in the past and used a product called No Ich.It has no copper and is 100percent reef safe. Last time was my yellow tang and this stuff cured him over night however 6months later my powder blue tang has had this going on 6...