Frogspawn Bleaching?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2007
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I have a Massive Frogspawn and it has started to bleach. Now i have been told that it could be that the tank is getting to warm and that would cause this to happen.All the tank stats are great and about 20+ other corals in the tank look perfect. So my question is, Has anyone delt with this and what are some things i can try. Also I have had it 3months and also seemed to like its placement.Gets great light and flow.Thank you.
Check it CLOSELY for parasites. Flatworms or white bugs especially...
Since ive had it there is something living in side the trunk (the side of the stem). I sticks out and releases like a white film and then anything that sticks to the film it pulls it into its mouth slowly.I dont know if that would effect the coral or not.And what is it? i havent been able to get a pic of this process that it does. Havent seen any moving things on the coral but i will keep close eye. if so options? Thanks again.
If its only the frogspawn and all other corals are OK, chances are it's not a chemistry issue, more likely predation. How badly bleached is the specemin? Is it like white and milky, or does it still have color? Does it retract its tentacles, or keep them out there? Anyway we can get a pic of the coral?
The coral acts just fine and seems completely normal wich is why I cannot figure it out. it has seemed to be getting better as it was all like the white in the picture.


Thanks ski.
Huh, that's wierd... The only suggestion I have is to keep it under good light, good flow, and hope it recovers. Wish I could offer more help, but that's all I got
Yeah I'm in the same boat. It was all white so maybe its going back to normal. Thanks for your time man.

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