Tassel Filefish


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I came home with this guy last night....unfortunately, the lfs guy (who has never given me poor advice before) was wrong about how big this guy will get....I have been planning on setting up a much bigger aquarium (I've had my eye on a used 250 gallon system in the same lfs...AHA! That was his plan all along...sell me on the tassel fish so I would have to get the 250 gallon lol)....anyway...he is in a 29 gallon right now (he is about two inches at this point)....will he be needing the bigger tank in the near future? I know they can potentially get to 12 inches...how fast do these guys grow?



When he reaches 6'' in length, it's time for a move in my opinion. Feed him sparingly, and that will be a long way off.

I'm setting up a 90 gallon pretty soon, so if you wanna get rid of him sooner... :hey:
All I know is I want one of the real bad! ever since the issue of aquarium fish about them eating aptasia.And easier to care for than a copperband.So I read. Looks good and 2'' should last a while in there.
Ok, I don't feel nearly as guilty...I had awful images of having a ten inch fish in a week...lol...and I haven't seen this guy show any interest in the apista. Loves the mysis though...eating like a madman... :) I love this guy....incredibly amazing fish.

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