Worst Moments In Marine Keeping


Fish Herder
Sep 14, 2005
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Guilford, Surrey
I done the most stupid thing knowen to fishkeepers and left my 75GPD RO unit on overnight hooded up to a 4G container. D'oh!

Worst moment in my life when I woke up thinking about the day ahead then jumped out of bed saying sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t sh*t

My tanks in the hallway of my first floor landing. so the whole floor down the stairs and the ground floor has a littel river running through it.

Would anyone else like to shear there worst moments??
Ooohhh, that's not good! At least it wasn't salty water, though! I do my RO into a tub into the bathtub incase I forget about it.. it's saved me a few times!

My worst moment was coming downstairs the day after starting my marine tank to find a big crack down the front and 50 gallons of salty water making a swimming pool of the living room. Luckily there were no fish in!
I know how you reacted, we used to have the RO running into a bucket in the kitchen, so naturally the kitchen became our pond on a couple of occasions, it is that sudden realisation as you wake that you may have cocked up :)
Now we have moved the RO is in the garage and can spill as much as it wants as it just drains to concrete and then out into the drains

Worst moments, probably being stung by my Volitans as I did some maintenance, that was painful
probably the worst though was buying a fish for my wife as a present that then went on to bully and kill her favourite fish, a Mandarin, that had lived in the reef for 2 years and was her success story. I was not her favourite for a while.

Worst moment in marine keeping..... Hmm. Usually when the bank statement lands on my doorstep each month and I total up what I've spent :X
Buying a pair of C. punctatus wrasses and being foolish enough to NOT quarantine them, subsequently loosing half my fish.

On a less morbid note, ignoring the suggestions of other reefers and setting up a U-tube style overflow box. Yes, it eventually did airlock and I eventually did mop up about 2 gallons of water off of my floor. Mercifully the sump pump (which was running dry) did not melt into a piece of slag.

Obtaining a scar on my forearm strangeely the width of a 175watt metal halide bulb :shifty:
Oh dear. Mines disconnecting the wrong canister pipe so i had a constant siphon pouring onto my carpet. not good i lost like 10 litres on my soddend floor! :angry:
I just had one recently...mystery toxin got in my tank from what I am guessing something died and destroyed over 300 dollars of corals. Took over two weeks to stabilize my tank again. Luckily the more expensive corals survived. The bad part is that I still don't know what it was that nuked my tank.
Skimmer overflowed and water got into my wall socket! just about caught the house on fire, Lucky for me I was home and was able to run to the breaker box and put out the electrical fire! it was the closest too a hard attack I had ever had! scary scary!
Stupid that I am! soked my PH's in a RO/white viniger solution for 2 days but left the rubber feet on!

Man this is not going well. At this rate I'm never going to get round to finishing my tank.

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