Goby/pistol Shrimp


New Member
Sep 6, 2007
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hi i've been reserching this pairing alot so i recently bought a yellow watchman goby and a pistol shrimp.

I've had them in the tank now for about 6 weeks and they haven't paired up they haven't even looked like pairing up.

Could i have the wrong type of shrimp i'm not sure exactly sure which it is but's it's purple and yellow with a spot on it?

Am i doing something wrong?

Thaks alot
i wouldnt hook up with an ugly ass chick even though males and females humans are supposed to be attracted to each other.

not all clowns adopt an anemone.

you get the pic.
Anything(Paired) Should be purchased as a pair to be sure They are a true match.I have learned if you want a clown to host a anemone go to the fishstore and have them scoop out the clown and the anemone its playin in! I have multiple anemones in my tank and my clowns don't even look at them.Good luck.
i wouldnt hook up with an ugly ass chick even though males and females humans are supposed to be attracted to each other.

not all clowns adopt an anemone.

you get the pic.

sorry i was drunk last night im not much help at all...

Maybe you should give one of them a make over :p

I was interested in this combination as well so thanks a lot for sharing your experience with them. Sorry I cant actually offer a useful suggestion :(

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