Attack Of The Clown!

to raise fry you need rotifers, to raise rotifers you need phytoplankton, to raise phytoplankton ask me, i started a culture and i have a 2 liter bottle growing greener and greener every day.
Filmaholic, while you're very excited about this today, I'd suggest letting the clowns breed and go do their thing this time around while you setup properly to raise the fry. LOTS of phyto and rots will be required to raise the fry and you really need big cultures before starting to rear the fry. Once the clowns do lay eggs, they'll do so continually on a weekly basis. Also future clutches will be larger than the first. So use the time of the first egg-laying to prepare to raise the 2nd batch of fry.

Also, I HIGHLY reccomend Joyce Wilkerson's book "Clownfish" as it's pretty much the bible on clownfish and breeding clownfish
Filmaholic, while you're very excited about this today, I'd suggest letting the clowns breed and go do their thing this time around while you setup properly to raise the fry. LOTS of phyto and rots will be required to raise the fry and you really need big cultures before starting to rear the fry. Once the clowns do lay eggs, they'll do so continually on a weekly basis. Also future clutches will be larger than the first. So use the time of the first egg-laying to prepare to raise the 2nd batch of fry.

Also, I HIGHLY reccomend Joyce Wilkerson's book "Clownfish" as it's pretty much the bible on clownfish and breeding clownfish

I think your right. Plus from the looks of it i wouldn't be able to get to the rock. I just read to let them do this a few times and then put a tile in there spot so that you can remove it. Thanks for all the Help and advice.Ill atleast let you know what happends. :good:

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