Fao Musho!


Fish Crazy
Sep 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bikini Bottom

Another forum I am a member of, this is one guys work and I reckon its ace!




Nice 12ft tank !
hmm, well judging by the size of each tang, and the amount in there, it doesnt seem like its able to..... tsk tsk people these days.... Its obvious he needs a bigger tank.
Either way that's awsome lookin! love to pay just the feeding bill!
I got one three words



Lovely fish and tank though.
Ok so he hasnt really got a list of stuff so I digging round for info, this is what I found (thread is 10 pages)

Tank is 12ft x 30" x 36"
Filtration will be in the garage and the pipe work will go under ground.
Tank will have a 4ft sand bed to the left hand side under the T 5 light unit and then a full reef under the single and double 400w arcadia series 3 metal halides

In the pic the top glass between the sand and mud will not go right to the top as it will slightly lower for an overflow! There will be media in the last chamber before the pump. Live rock area will have a light but not 24/7 but there will also be fish which I can't keep in the main tank here (blue face angel) the skimmer section will return back ontop of the live rock, the return pump will then feed the Kalk / Calcium reactor and 6 x 55w UV before going back to the tank.


3 x 400w halides = 1200w 8 hours a day 9,600w
8 x 36w T5's = 288w 10 hours a day 2,880
2 x sequence pumps approx 300w = 600w 1 x 24/7 the other 4hours a night 8,400w
6 x 55w UV = 330w 4 hours a night 1,320w
Heaters approx = 1,000w
Other pumps / power heads = 300w 4 hours use in a day 1,320w

So far 24,520 KW (hope i've done my sums right) so is that 24.5 KW and how much is a KW 10p

At the moment I'm only doing a 50 gallon twice a month! but when the filter is up and running I'll start with 2 x 100 gallon water changers a month and see how the tank levels go, I think I will be able to come down to 1 but will have to see?
Should have approx 250 / 300 kg of live rock and 200 kg of live sand when I'm done, will also have 2 very large skimmers and a 6 x 55 watt UV so any problems I can get it sorted quick!
I think really he has it under control. Looks ace though even if you do think its oversotckd :)
Heres a new picture and a stock list!


14 yellow tangs
1 powderblue tang
1 purple tang
1 scopas tang
1 naso tang
1 regal tang
1 kole yellow eye tang
1 chevron tang
1 sailfin tang
1 blue face angel
1 regal angel
1 foxface
1 coral beauty
4 perc clowns
1 algae blenny
3 anthias
2 bluethroat triggers
1 scarlet hawk
3 cleaner wrasses
40 green chromis
2 randalls gobies
2 mandarins
Heres a new picture and a stock list!


14 yellow tangs
1 powderblue tang
1 purple tang
1 scopas tang
1 naso tang
1 regal tang
1 kole yellow eye tang
1 chevron tang
1 sailfin tang
1 blue face angel
1 regal angel
1 foxface
1 coral beauty
4 perc clowns
1 algae blenny
3 anthias
2 bluethroat triggers
1 scarlet hawk
3 cleaner wrasses
40 green chromis
2 randalls gobies
2 mandarins
What website is this? I'd like to talk to this guy.

Just check the members profile section.

You will find his profile easy its the one with millions of hits and 15 pages!

That is one awsome tank. I couldnt afford the maintainance of something that size for a wekk let alone the whole set-up cost and yearly maintainance!!! ;)

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