Torch Coral Lighting


Fish Fanatic
Jun 25, 2007
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4-5 days ago I purchased a torch coral from my LFS.

The coral appears healthy, but isn't fully extending its tentacles during full lights. It is currently placed mid-depth in a 2' deep tank under 2x150w MH + 2x54w t5's. I have noticed that the coral extends much further during the period when only the t5's are on, and a small portion of the coral that is shaded extends further than the rest under full lights.

I know that corals have the ability to expel their zooxanthellae to accomodate for changes in lighting. My question is, should I move the coral to a deeper/more shaded location, or should I wait to see if he adjusts?
My torch opens the biggest in the sandbed. Also if there is to much water flow on this coral it dosent seem to open all the way.good luck.
I thought I just answered this question for someone else :lol:

Anyways, tentacle length is NOT a measure of coral health unless the tentacles are completely withdrawn to the skeleton in which case thats a sign of bad health. Euphyllia (Torch, Hammer, Frogspawn, Galaxea), Bubble corals, tentacled plate corals, acanthastrea, elegance corals, and MANY others will change how they inflate depending on both lighting AND flowrate. Generally the lower light and lower the flow, the longer and puffier the flesh of most LPS will become, although this is not always true. Doesnt necessarily mean something's wrong, just means the coral is adjusting to its environment.
Yeah Ski, you answered a similar question for me! The tentacles aren't retracted into the skeleton at all, so I guess I have nothing to worry about. Thankyou for the help!
Also it could be splitting one of its heads,they always seem to be a bit moody if one head is splitting into 2,usually if thats happenin ur not doin too much wrong....

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