New Leather


Fish Herder
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
North Yorkshire (York Area)
I got a new leather for my tank wednesday of last week. It came through the post and looked in good order within 6 nours of being in the tank it was fully open and looked really good. The next day there seemed to be a bit missing of one side. I was not sure if it was a patch of die off at first . Then a couple of days later there is a chunk missing from the other side :crazy: Could this die off or is something eating it? The rest of the leather looks fine and in good health, though it has not fully opened agin from it being nibbled. Ive moved it to a different place in the tank hoping it wont get any more abuse.
Any idea if it is being eaten and if so what could it be? All other corals are in good health showing no sign of being nibbled. The only thing Ive ever seen on it is my tiny clown coby, at 2cmc long he likes to use it to pirch on. But Ive never seen him attack or try to eat it.
I have the usual inhabitants. Hermit crabs, bristle worms etc and 3 small crabs. I think they are all reef safe as they never venture from their holes and all are the small claw variety. 2 being black with white markings and one is white in colour.
Will the leather recover on its own if it has been nibbled? Ive now moved it off the rock work onto the sand bed at the oposite side of the tank to where all 3 of my crabs live, in the hope the nibbling will stop :blink:
Any help would be much appreciated.
I can provide pictures if this helps.
Seems strange to me. If there is no more munchin the coral should recover just fine. You can just about cut them anywhere and they will grow back.
Well the coral has picked up a little and seems happier on the sand bed. Its extending all its frilly bits over 95% now with the exception of a tiny bit and the area around the large hole. There has been no more munching going All I can think was it was one of the crabs snacking on it :crazy: I'm hoping that over time it will heal up OK and no infection gets in as its quite a nasty gash :unsure:

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