Cleaner Shrimp Missing


Leader Of The Seahorse's!
Dec 2, 2006
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Ok, i got 2 cleaner shrimp yesterday. I woke up this morning to find one's moulted skin at the front of the tank. So i looked round for it but could only see one....where could it be? How long before it comes out again ( i know they go into hiding when theyve just moulted) cause im real worried :unsure: How lond do yours hide for?
yeah mine hid under LR for about two days before he settled in!

the shedded skin is a good sign tho!

feed them they'll pop out then!
If the shrimp feels threatened, then it will hide. Mine did for a while too. I had 3 skunk cleaners, 1 vanished, never to be seen again. :unsure:
After molting my cleaner will hide for days sometimes even longer!
No luck yet! The other one's out but he aint! Just to make sure,does the moult have a red stripe on it too?
The molt should be a carbon copy of the shrimp, just much more translucent. Hermit crab molts tend to be much less translucent and look much more like an actual crab carcus.
my blood shrimp mold is exactly the same as the real thing, the way i check is i move it a bit, if there is meat inside, its probably dead, if its just a skeleton, its a molt.

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