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  1. Gazoo

    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    Earlier this week, I watched an interesting interview with the author Yann Martel on TVO (Ontario, Canada Public TV). He briefly mentioned the making of a movie but I forgot the details. Here are a few clips from the interview.
  2. Gazoo

    What. In Your Opinion. Is The Hardest Fish To Catch?

    With no doubt, a khuli loach. :crazy:
  3. Gazoo

    Things That Spook You

    Clowns aren't silly - they're evil ! .............. of course, no offense to any clowns that might be members. :flowers: Can't sleep, clowns will eat me. -Bart Simpson
  4. Gazoo


    Yeah, I've been there. :D A few times when coming home from work I've heard that sloshing/gurgling sound :crazy: coming from the filter trying to prime itself. Since that has happened a few times, I'm trying to remember to keep the water level high enough so that doesn't happen when I'm away...
  5. Gazoo


    Wow. After looking up online prices, I see they have gone up quite a bit since I bought mine 2 years ago. The AquaClear 30/150 go for $28.49. On a positive note, I've been running the same one (50/200) for 17 years - so you get some serious life out of them and get your monies worth. I've never...
  6. Gazoo


    I run an AquaClear 30 (150) on my 16 gallon.
  7. Gazoo

    Getting Food To Bottom Feeders

    I missed this suggestion the first time I read it. I now remember I would drop in a wafer, blood worms, etc. when I was turning off all lights and I was going to bed. :fish: :ninja:
  8. Gazoo

    Movies You Shouldn't Watch Before Bed

    When I was a kid, Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Poltergeist freaked me out when I went to bed. I think the scene in Poltergeist with the boy in bed when the clown disappeared did some permanent damage to me. :S (clowns = BAD) The tree pulling him out the window was icing on the cake...
  9. Gazoo

    Getting Food To Bottom Feeders

    Great suggestion. I've never heard of that before.
  10. Gazoo

    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    I just finished Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich and next in line is The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins.
  11. Gazoo

    What Do I Need?

    A thermometer and for convenience, a timer for your light.
  12. Gazoo

    My Flow Reducer!

    Very clever bronzecat. :teacher: Necessity is the mother of invention. -Plato
  13. Gazoo

    Seachem Prime Water Conditioner

    I also use Prime and found it difficult measuring the correct amount. I went to the local pharmacy/drug store and asked for a syringe. The pharmacist gave me an insulin syringe that works perfect for measuring small amounts.
  14. Gazoo

    Removing Drift Wood

    I am guessing, like above, as stated, as long as your media is OK, removing it will have no or little effect on your bacteria colony. :lol:
  15. Gazoo

    I Don't Have A Betta!

    Definitely abbynormal !
  16. Gazoo

    Obsession - New Tank Idea

    I've seen your bike. Good luck with replacing that clutch. :crazy:
  17. Gazoo

    What Do You Have On Your Ipod/mp3?

    I only have a 1 gig player so I rotate my playlist when the mood calls. Right now it's loaded with classic rock (60-80's) and some blues. A few of the artists are: AC/DC Aerosmith B. B. King The Beatles Boston Cream / Eric Clapton ELO Gun N' Roses John Lee Hooker Led Zeppelin The Rolling Stones...
  18. Gazoo

    Hob Style Filter Submerged?

    I would read what the included manual states about submersing the unit in water. Something tells me it would give some warning about it. I have an AquaClear HOB power filter and the manual warns, "If the appliance falls into the water, DON'T reach for it! First unplug it and then retrieve it...
  19. Gazoo

    What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

    I just started reading a fantasy book titled Goblin Hero by Michigan author Jim C. Hines. It's the second novel (of a trilogy) about the adventures of a scrawny nearsighted goblin called Jig. :lol: The third book, Goblin War should come out in March '08. Check out his homepage. I took the...
  20. Gazoo

    New Driftwood!

    I dig it! B) I have a few crazy gnarly pieces of mopani like that and they give the tank a great look. After boiling and soaking quite a few times, my pieces still produce a lot of tannin in the tank water. I don't mind it and and I'm guessing the cardinals like it.
  21. Gazoo

    Acrylic Tank Bowing! Help!

    I have a (17 year old :flex:) 36" Clarity Plus acrylic tank that is manufactured by the same company (CASCO) as yours. To be honest, I've never payed any attention to bowing. After a quick measurement, it looks like mine bows ~1/3" in the front and back. I'm not concerned. :)...
  22. Gazoo

    How Many Tanks Do You Keep?

    I have three tanks (32, 16 & 7 gal). The 7 gallon used to be my shrimp only tank but since it's empty now I guess I'll call it my standby hospital tank.
  23. Gazoo

    Feeding Apple Snails

    I wash/clean the veggies but I don't peal the skin off. The skin seems to be my snails favorite part. (I also microwave it a small cup of water for a little bit.)
  24. Gazoo

    Your One Deserted Island Cd?

    You gotta love loopholes. :lol: OK, let's say that it must be commercially produced with multi album/CD's being allowed.
  25. Gazoo

    Which Is Your Favorite Tetra?

    I dig the rummy nose. I think it's red nose with black & white tail makes it very striking looking. I've never kept one before but I think a tank full of them would look incredible. :drool:
  26. Gazoo


    :shout: Hellooooo! -Jerry Seinfeld (I couldn't resist) On a serious note, it looks like a cool project. :good:
  27. Gazoo

    Feeding Apple Snails

    My apple snail usually doesn't make it to any sinking foods as well. I feed mine cukes, zucchini, lima beans and lettuce (red leaf, green leaf and romaine, not iceberg). None of my fish are too interested in veggies, so the snail eats without being bugged.
  28. Gazoo

    A Few Fish Id's Required Please. Barb & Unc

    Yeah ... that's the ticket! Unfortunately my fish reference book is limited in the cyprinids section. :/
  29. Gazoo

    A Few Fish Id's Required Please. Barb & Unc

    Maybe a Cuming's Barb (Barbus cumingii)?
  30. Gazoo

    Your One Deserted Island Cd?

    What would be your one deserted island CD? Mine would be The Beatles (The White Album).
  31. Gazoo

    White Thick Cobwebs

    Have you recently added any wood to your tank?
  32. Gazoo

    Lost Intrest In My Fish

    I'd call that a temporary change of priorities. :) For the past few months my interest has been on other things (job searching, school, training) and my focus shifted. Like you, I was still keeping up with the necessary fish stuff but I wasn't taking the time to enjoy the fish. Now that...
  33. Gazoo

    Top 5 Films?

    - Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope :nerd: - The Big Lebowski :rofl: - Fargo :fun: - Pulp Fiction :S - Amadeus :music:
  34. Gazoo


    I wonder if there is something more tempting to eat rather than the algae? Like a little kid eating pizza :P before brussel sprouts :sick:.
  35. Gazoo


    I think they taste great with garlic & butter. :look: (just kidding) I'm a fan of having a few of them in my tank. For me they are a good indicator if I'm over feeding my fish. They are also fun to watch chowing on a piece of lettuce.
  36. Gazoo

    Fish Tank Light

    I keep my lights on for 8 hours using a timer. When I turned the lights on manually I found that I was inconsistent. The lights stay on longer into the evening when friends are over. :drink:
  37. Gazoo


    Both of my acrylic tanks were made with black backs and I use a black background on my glass tank.
  38. Gazoo

    Any Guitarists?

    I've been playing drums for quite a few years but this week I decided to buy my first guitar. It's a lefty Epiphone Les Paul 100. I love it! :wub: I was also looking at the SG but the Les Paul had a better feel for me.
  39. Gazoo

    The Best Zombie Movie Ever

    I'll give another vote to Shaun of the Dead. In fact for Halloween I dressed as Shaun. Since cricket bats aren't very accessible on my side of town, I made my own out of cardboard, a wood stake (for handle) and "wood grain" contact paper. I have to say I looked pretty good. :D