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Apr 10, 2012
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Whats your veiws on snails, in my community tank after purchasing a few plants, i started getting snails popup from nowhere, at first this really annoyed but over time, i have actually come to like them and feel like that extra life in my tank gives everything in the tank a more natural surrounding.

Now when i go to my LPS, i no longer look at the snail control treatment think shall i get some, but i go in and look for big snails just a bit smaller than golfballs and buy a couple, i really have come to like them.
the snails are good they keep your tank nice and clean but they some times get very annoying, i had some and they ate all my fry :sad: and they get in your way of seeing the fish. but over all the snails are good.
Whats your veiws on snails ...

I haven't got any just now but if I did I wouldn't kiil them, they're good for keeping down algae and a good indication of overfeeding.
My apple snail's not eating algae! :mad:
I wonder if there is something more tempting to eat rather than the algae? Like a little kid eating pizza :p before brussel sprouts :sick:.

I feed my shrimp algae pellets...but they only eat half., if that, just tiny bits.But if i feed them tiny bits my fish eat them! (full ones won't fit in their mouths..although they like to try) so the snail gets most algae pellets :(
Whats your veiws on snails ...

I haven't got any just now but if I did I wouldn't kiil them, they're good for keeping down algae and a good indication of overfeeding.

Very good indicator of overfeeding. I think they are good. Over-population is irritating, but still, they're a nice addition.
I had an overpopulation problem with baby ramshorns when I first set up my tank. They were the ones that annoyed me as they look like specks on the glass but since the introduction of other snails into the tank these aren't such a problem, I guess because they are being out-competed. I've never seen a ramshorn over 6mm in my tank which is kind of weird, I'd expect to have a few adults by now but they obviously don't make it that far. I think I probably hoover up about ten with each gravel vac without even noticing though!

I have a lot of MTS that came 'free' with the substrate in my second-hand tank, they're all about two cm long now and big enough to be interesting as they move around. They seem to keep the substrate nice and clean.

My favourites are my golden apple snails, I have one in my betta tank and one in my livebearer tank. They are very active and interesting to watch, and I no longer have a problem with algae on the glass in either tank.

On balance, I like the snails - though I would probably start culling them if their population got out of hand. I don't feel sentimental about them in the same way as I do about the fish.
I just found a snail in my tank this morning...! :crazy:

Wasn't sure if they were good or bad so got it out in case. After reading various posts about them this morning I don't have a problem with them being in my tank, but are they likely to get out of control easily? I don't want hundreds of them!!! :blink:

Should I cut down on feeding that tank for the time being?


Pirate Monkey
There really isn't anything to worry about. They do much more good than bad. MTS will as fourtimelucky said, keep your substratte clean and they will all eat algae. If they do start multiplying more than you want them to they aren't very hard to get rid of. You can either take them out with a new and give them to someone else who is willing to take them from you, or you could buy a loach (it will depend on the size of your tank on what one you would get) some loaches will devour snails.

HTH :good:

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