What Book (or Books) Are You Currently Reading?

Just finished Frank Skinner by Frank Skinner. Aaah, the shame. I got it for Xmas about 100 years ago(I think I had a bit of a 'thing' about him once & must've asked for it) & thought I should read it.

Just started Somebody's Husband, Somebody's Son by Gordon Burn
I'm reading a biography of Fred and Rose West. Not exactly nice bed time reading but fascinating all the same for how it went unnoticed for so long. Very strange but great read
I've just finished the most recent demonata book by darren shan and also a CHERUB book by robert muchamore, good teenage reads!

Im starting the amulet of saramad
At the moment I'm reading Bill Bryson's 'Short History of Nearly Everything'.

Easily the best creative non-fiction I've ever read.

That is an outstanding book. Unfortunately the second half isn't quite as interesting as the first, but great book anyway.

Currently reading The Lost Continent, also by Bill Bryson
I am working on 3 books at the momment: The Darkest Evening of the Year by Dean Koontz. The twists in this book are very good. The charaters are awesome too. :p My grandmother sent some books in the mail for me and my brother to read. Grason, by Lynne Cox, and Zamba by Ralph Helfer. They all have to do with animals and are fantastic reads.
Oh, and Gazoo, I read a post that asked if anybody has read Life Of Pi. Amazing story. The beginning was slow, but it was awesome towards the middle. I loved that book and I reccomend it to everybody. I found it facinating. I read the book years ago, but I can still remeber the best parts vividly. A must read. :D
Oh, and Gazoo, I read a post that asked if anybody has read Life Of Pi. Amazing story. The beginning was slow, but it was awesome towards the middle. I loved that book and I reccomend it to everybody. I found it facinating. I read the book years ago, but I can still remeber the best parts vividly. A must read. :D

Earlier this week, I watched an interesting interview with the author Yann Martel on TVO (Ontario, Canada Public TV). He briefly mentioned the making of a movie but I forgot the details. Here are a few clips from the interview.
Just started reading Touching the Void by Joe Simpson and I've got a copy of the DVD to watch too. It's about a mountaineering exedition that went wrong and I'll be seeing the author soon as he's a guest speaker at a conference I am going to so I thought it only right to read his story.

At the moment I'm reading Bill Bryson's 'Short History of Nearly Everything'.

Easily the best creative non-fiction I've ever read.

That is an outstanding book. Unfortunately the second half isn't quite as interesting as the first, but great book anyway.

Currently reading The Lost Continent, also by Bill Bryson
I read his book about walking the App. Trail a while back, really funny!

Currently I'm reading William Trevor's new book of short stories: Cheating at Canasta

Am browsing/reading:
The encyclopedia of aquarium fish
Dick mills

Aquariums and aquarium fishes
Mary Bailey & Gina sandford

Terrarium animals from A to Z
Barron's guides

Reading now

Learn to Scuba dive in a weekend
Reg Vallintine

Scuba diving for dummies
John Newman

Terry Brooks

Life in cold blood
David attenborough

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