Hob Style Filter Submerged?


New Member
Aug 5, 2006
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Arkansas, U.S.
I have a container that I will be using to hold some fish during a house move. I have a spare filter and it is a skilter filter that is in the link below. The water will be about 4-5 inches deep and there is no way to attach it to the side as you would with an actual tank. My question is: will this filter be fine sitting in about 5 inches of water with the lower half submerged? I am asking because I do not want to end up messing anything up electrical wise. I turned it on and it seemed fine but I do not want to leave it unattended while away.
Heres the link for the filter:
It's hard to say. The pump, th e electrical bit, is at the base of the unit, so it is exposed to water. The key thing here is if the whold pump is waterproof. If so, you are fine. If not, this is a no go. If you have switched it on under water, then I would geuss at it being fine. I would fit a GFI (ground fault interupter) to the circuit if you are leaving it though, as it may not have shorted out yet, due to there not being an earth presant in the pump.

This could be dodgy without further info :crazy:

I did turn it on and ran the filter for about 20 minutes while I was in the same room. I just do not want to leave it when I leave the house. I do not know if the filter is supposed to be completely waterproof. What other info do you need?
I do not know if the filter is supposed to be completely waterproof. What other info do you need?
I would read what the included manual states about submersing the unit in water. Something tells me it would give some warning about it.

I have an AquaClear HOB power filter and the manual warns, "If the appliance falls into the water, DON'T reach for it! First unplug it and then retrieve it. If electrical components of the appliance get wet, unplug the appliance immediately."

Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should. I say better safe than sorry. :)

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