Lost Intrest In My Fish


Fish Crazy
Aug 3, 2006
Reaction score
sunny old essex
hi all.i aint been on for a fair while.sort of lost interest in my fish.funny how all sorts of things can overtake your spare time,and your one true hobby.
there i was last april peacefully sleeping off a nightshift when bang,im fighting a burgler on my landing,this was the single most scary moment of my life.so i buy a dog to be my ears while im sleeping.this took up a lot of my time,puppys do that im told.
then just before christmas im sitting in my living room and notice what a complete mess my gorgeous planted pride and joy had become,i was gutted when i took a closer look.of course i had been doing my water changes and feeding my buddies,but obviously not with the same amount of love and care.so i decided to either keep it of let it go if i didnt have the time anymore.needless to say it stayed.
after a complete re think of the layout and plants it looks wicked once more.
a self indulgent post maybe,but its a fishy post and just shows what level of dedication and effort in some cases it takes to keep a healthy thriving mini eco system
ps any body want to buy a royal panaque (im fed up with the saw dust :lol: )
At times, I find it hard to find time to do the extra things you need to do for your fish, but it is part of the responsibility we took when we entered the hobby.
I think id be a bit lost if i didnt have my tanks, they have become such a routine in my life and the family loves em.

The tanks become like a new tv to us lol

Although i still watch eastenders :lol:
Sorry to hear about the burgler mate.

It sends a shiver down my spin knowing that as i sit here also on a night shift that my misses is at home alone.

Did the Police get the bas*ard?
funny how all sorts of things can overtake your spare time,and your one true hobby.
there i was last april peacefully sleeping off a nightshift when bang,im fighting a burgler on my landing,this was the single most scary moment of my life.so i buy a dog to be my ears while im sleeping.this took up a lot of my time,puppys do that im told.
I'd call that a temporary change of priorities. :) For the past few months my interest has been on other things (job searching, school, training) and my focus shifted. Like you, I was still keeping up with the necessary fish stuff but I wasn't taking the time to enjoy the fish.

Now that things are starting to settle, I'm remembering what pleasure you get from just stopping for a while and sitting next to the tank to fish watch as well as visiting this forum. It's good to be back! :D
Hm i'm trying to get back more into fishkeeping, i still have all of my fish and i do the necessary water changes and all of that, but like you have found myself not so passionate about fishkeeping as i used to be. Part of it is that i feel a bit disheartened recently, i've lost a fair amount of my guppys and platys and a few danios to fish tb recently in my tanks and i'm finding difficult to keep control of the disease, i don't want to buy anymore fish until i have got all of the tanks all healthy again but its still all very disheartening...Things are so expensive right now too, i've had to replace a whole tank hood and numerous lights in my tanks recently which has cost £100, and there has been so many other non-fish related expenses that have broken or gone wrong, i just feel like all of my money is going on bills and repairs right now :sad: . I'm trying to sort my life out and get more organised but its really difficult at times when i have so many priorities and responsabilities that need taking care of etc- i know i shouldn't complain as my life is technically pretty good, but...Fishkeeping is a really enjoyable hobby when you have plenty of time, money and motivation to indulge in it, but when you don't it can be difficult to enjoy it.
I got depression and lost interest.
I still maintained the tank but the the passion had gone.
I'm down to one tank now.
Set another tank up this week for a betta that I can now get.
it can take all manner of things,you dont see them coming then bang your mind is totally focused on the new train of thought.
i do love my fish and the whole idea of this contained world to nurture and cultivate.but i also wonder is there only so far you can go with the hobby?
Wow, I'm glad you came out of it ok! Scary! Also glad to hear you're back into the hobby. Life does get in the way sometimes.
Stay Safe!
It the shock of what happened to you it throws you.
The passion will come back.
I'm slowly getting back into the hobby.
Life not always an easy road it can be very bumpy at times,
Good luck.
It the shock of what happened to you it throws you.
The passion will come back.
I'm slowly getting back into the hobby.
Life not always an easy road it can be very bumpy at times,
Good luck.
just you wait with that betta ;)

...if only you could get them out and pet them....

The reason why I'm draw to betta as they seem to like your company and show off.
Had fancy goldifsh and they have lovely personalites and it seem that betta can be fun too.
See how it goes as I only want one, don't want a load of betta tanks all over the house..
The reason why I'm draw to betta as they seem to like your company and show off.
Had fancy goldifsh and they have lovely personalites and it seem that betta can be fun too.
See how it goes as I only want one, don't want a load of betta tanks all over the house..

lol yeah....like poor mel who had to give loads up recently....as i said before i would if i had the space and money to have them :p

luckily I am restricted!

Hope you find a nice one though, though I doubt you'll ever find a boring one!
Its not allowed to be boring lol.
Had kept enough of boring fish in my time.
Biggest boring fish must have to go to my glow light tetra when I had them.
Though they were hardy fish.
Its not allowed to be boring lol.
Had kept enough of boring fish in my time.
Biggest boring fish must have to go to my glow light tetra when I had them.
Though they were hardy fish.

neon tetra are boring...maybe its a tetra thing...they just look so dumb :p lol pointlessly swimming about, even my danios have more sense than neon tetra, and they act like fish on drugs...lol

i don't think i've ever heard anyone say anything remotely boring about a betta, some are more peaceful than others but still interactive, and others are so aggressive they even leap half out the water for food i've heard....luckily mine doesn't do that :p if you leave your finger in he will attempt to nip though thinking its food...lol

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