Search results

  1. N

    Planted Betta Tank

    It looks great :good: Perfect for the both of them.
  2. N

    Does your betta flare at you?

    Whenever I get the yellow lid tub of flakes or the little white bag of bloodworms he doesn't stop dancing across the front of the glass!
  3. N

    When Breeding Bettas...

    Thats really exciting :hyper:, lets hope its something relatively nice. Just bought a tank for spawning off ebay for £6.50 :D Gonna go collect it this saturday hopefully. I've already got a tank set up for the female, so I might be able to get her this week sometime.
  4. N

    Horrifing Video

    Its people like this that go on to commit murder. :blink:
  5. N

    My First Betta =]

    What a lucky fish. :good:
  6. N

    Horrifing Video

    What a twat. People like that deserve to be shot. I wouldn't have been as bothered if the betta was already dead, or if the fish consumed it instantly, but thats a slow death. People are sick. There is nothing about that thats exciting or thrilling, I really don't know why people do it. It...
  7. N

    Reduce Filter Power/flow

    Get some tights that haven't been dyed and cut the foot off of them. Wash it thoroughly in hot water and swish it around a bit. Make sure no colour runs from it at all. Then, attach and fasten it around the filter outlet and it should reduce the speed and force of the flow. Worked a treat for...
  8. N

    When Breeding Bettas...

    In your opinion, what is more attractive? A pure fish with similar traits in the parents or something else? I have a normal Veiltail blue betta, Heres a pic: I'm not looking to go full on spectacular betta breeding, I'd just like to give it ago. I'm in the process of getting everything ready...
  9. N

    White Cloud In Betta Tank

    You could probably even asked someone to just feed them two or three times during the week. They'll be hungry when you get back, but they can last alot longer without food. That way It won't take a scientist to feed them a small portion. Have a nice trip in florida! I'm going there in August XP
  10. N

    Office Fish Needs More Sleep?

    I think offices don't turn off all their lights at night, simply because the amount it costs in the morning to boot them all back up again is just over the amount it costs to leave them on all the time. As much as I love them, I just couldn't function if I had a betta in a tank nearby, I...
  11. N

    Small Betta Tanks

    Surely people who see those and buy them MUST know deep down that its not appropriate? People aren't that stupid to see that the 'tank' is far to small for the fish to thrive in, no matter what they are told otherwise. I think people are arrogant, not Naive when it comes to these. If they...
  12. N

    Instead Of Half A Polystyrene Cup...

    I havn't seen a proper bubblenest in his current tank since a few months ago = since I took off things on the filter to slow the flow. He's comfortable with the speed of the water, it's not that strong, and its directed towards the glass its closest to and into a plastic plant. I know he's been...
  13. N

    Finallly Got My Tank Setup.

    It looks fantastic! I love the skull section of it! What a bargain! =D About the Females: With the size tank I'd stick to just the 3 fish. The section for the female should probably just hold one, anymore than one in such a confined space and I think they'd get stroppy. People say that no...
  14. N

    I Gotta Silk Plant

    How often do you commit to water changes? And how much water is changed every time? With a tank that size your looking at well over 2 complete tank volumes a week, which can be stressful for the fish. Even if you can't get a filter immediatly, add a few live plants, they should be able to...
  15. N

    Instead Of Half A Polystyrene Cup...

    Thanks guys, :good: I had some bubblewrap to spare so I used a sqare of that. He's shown interest, lets just see if he makes one during the night.
  16. N

    Instead Of Half A Polystyrene Cup...

    Title explains it all. Hope everyone's had a good week.
  17. N

    I Might Get A Silk Plant Tomorrow

    A quick rinse in quite warm water should suffice. Just swoosh it around abit and rub the leaves under a running tap.
  18. N

    Buying Bettas

    You could go into your LFS and ask if they could direct you to a Private Breeder that supplies them from time to time (Most likely they might buy from large wholesale farms) Or you could try, You can find some amazingly eye catching fish on there. Aquabid is a good site for breeders...
  19. N

    Concerned About Kai =(

    I had a similar problem with my Betta but it would change size sometimes getting smaller and then bigger every few hours but In comparison to you pictures it wasn't as big as that I don't think. At first I couldn't work out what it was (I still have no clue xD), I then looked up the Anatomy of a...
  20. N


    First of, Congratulations :good: Give him some time, If he's first time dad nature may have not been so generous when it comes to the instincts part. I'd only start to panic if he ignores them totally or eats them all. Don't worry, there are methods where you can raise fry without the male...
  21. N

    Ragged Tail?

    You know, I think I have the beginnings of a similar problem with my Betta. One day the fins are fine, the next, tatty and ragged I did have an algae attack which happened literally within a few days. Very strange, I'll keep an eye on this thread, because I could do with the help aswell...
  22. N

    Which Betta!?

    The pink one sounds really nice and different, and he should fix up if you give him a little bit of TLC. Whats your tank like and which one can you see swimming around in it!?
  23. N

    I Want To Give My Fish Back

    Bear in mind, the pet store might refuse to take some because of the hassle of quarantining a small number of fish. Have you got a friend [or a friend of a friend] that will add them to their own tank for you?
  24. N

    Imbellis Betta seems to be the best choice, I checked it and couldn't see any Imbellis. You could always ask your lfs they can sometimes order some in or direct you elsewhere to a breeder. You could also try Ebay as you might have more luck finding breeders abroad.
  25. N

    Female Betta Dead..

    I'm sorry for your loss :sad: Isn't nice to find a dead fishy =[ I really can't think of anything that could have been the cause of death, and a quick search in google didn't really yield any relevant results. Was the belly swollen? What was her behaviour like in the few days before? Perhaps...
  26. N

    Website Update

    Oh I Do wish my new card would come through! Seriously considering a female =] Perhaps its a sign! :blink: Beautiful fish on the site as usual.
  27. N

    New Boys =)

    I love the buzz of bringing a new fish home =D Those fish are beautiful!
  28. N

    Hhhmmm.....what To Do?

    Seamonkeys. ;]
  29. N


    You could possibly try White Cloud Mountain Minnows. They're classed as coldwater but can be kept in warmer waters, although the betta likes slightly warmer temperatures a compromise in the middle can usually make the two types of fish comfortable. They're usually cheap (mine were 85p each!) and...
  30. N


    They always remind me of the Dilophosaurus in Jurassic Park xD The one that eats the guy in the jeep and spits. Yeah, its just the best film ever. Avid fan (Y) :nerd:
  31. N

    Betta Tank

    Aww thanks for the comment on my tank :good: -The minimum size is argued, I'd say a minimum of 5 Gallons. I have kept a betta in a 2.5Gal but I think he's had more fun in his 5! -You will deffo need a heater and filter. Make sure the filter you provide isn't to strong as the betta will...
  32. N

    What Fish First And Tank Setup

    It's not practical but in the worst case scenario you could put the betta in the set up tank and do a fish in cycle. Its quite a large amount of water for just the one betta and his wasteload won't overpower the tank suddenly, but it will if you dont keep up with water changes. If I'm honest, as...
  33. N

    His First Bubble Nest

    I know what you mean, I'd love to breed my betta. I could get all the stuff needed pretty easily and have most of it here, its just the time needed to put in and the hassle/stress and worry of everything thats putting me off. And I'm sure theres only so many fry I could move on aswell. Having...
  34. N

    His First Bubble Nest

    The title to this thread made me laugh :hyper: lololol What a great title! Congrats on the bubble nest!
  35. N

    Lets See Your Betta Tanks!

    My Betta's 5 Gallon Tank with Egyptian River theme. =] [It's a lot more overgrown as the plants have settled in since this picture was taken!] Java moss expected to be delivered any day now to be placed near the Elodia and grass.
  36. N

    Fry Growth - Week 3 Pic Now Up

    Great Idea! I'll be very interested to see how to fry develop! =D
  37. N

    How Long Before A Fish Eats?

    I wouldn't worry =] He's probably still settling in. After 4 days or so of not eating I'd start to get a little concerned. Do you know what he was fed where you got him? You might have to wean him off the food he has grown up eating.
  38. N

    Decoration For A Betta Tank

    That sounds like a really attractive tank :good: With a tall tank make sure there are areas the betta can rest on when making a trip to the surface. IMO, real plants look far more nicer than fake ones. They also are good for removing waste substances from the water as well as oxygenating it...
  39. N


    The argued minimum is around 2.5Gal, To give the betta a comfortable, spacious home I'd go with anything larger than a 5Gal money permitting. As you unfortunatly found out, Bettas aren't really fond of Guppies :( which is a shame because both can be really stunning fish in the aquarium. If...
  40. N

    Seriously Milky Water / New Tank Syndrome

    8 degrees is incredibly cold, The goldfish as a result will not eat as much and thier metabolism will have slowed down greatly. A quick search reveals that the ideal debated temp is 18-23 Degrees C which is quite a wide range. I think if the water gets a little warmer the water will clear up...