Seriously Milky Water / New Tank Syndrome


Fish Crazy
Apr 21, 2008
Reaction score
Loch Lomond, Scotland.
Recently i changed one of my tropical tanks to a coldwater tank (coldwater being 8 degrees) All i did after removing the fish was remove the heater and do a 50% water change and give the filter a rough cleaning.

Its been milky for 2 weeks now, ive added the bacteria stuff to help it but nothing works. Im guessing that the bacteria that kept it clear at 24 degrees have died now at 8 degrees. How can i fix this, its just not getting any clearer? i have two gold fish in the tank and lots of live plants.
Recently i changed one of my tropical tanks to a coldwater tank (coldwater being 8 degrees) All i did after removing the fish was remove the heater and do a 50% water change and give the filter a rough cleaning.

Its been milky for 2 weeks now, ive added the bacteria stuff to help it but nothing works. Im guessing that the bacteria that kept it clear at 24 degrees have died now at 8 degrees. How can i fix this, its just not getting any clearer? i have two gold fish in the tank and lots of live plants.

8 degrees is incredibly cold, The goldfish as a result will not eat as much and thier metabolism will have slowed down greatly. A quick search reveals that the ideal debated temp is 18-23 Degrees C which is quite a wide range.

I think if the water gets a little warmer the water will clear up.

Good luck.
I have a similar problem with my pond
I just did a total cleaning of it and after 2 days the water got a little cloudy.
is it because of the bacteria boom or am I giving them too much food (I dont think so)
or is this the normal proces ???
thank you. :rolleyes:
Bacteria dosn't grow fast at lower temps.
I still used a heater with goldfish, best to if temp drops at night more than two degrees.
Goldifsh are massive waste producers so cycle tanks faster.
How many gallons is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
How many galllons does the filter turn over.
You need double filter size to tank as goldfish produce alot of waste.
It's normal for the water to be a bit cloudy at the beginning of a new cycle,but it should clear up eventually.
If it doesnt, yu should check if you have any limestone, chalk or porous rocks in your tank, as this can make the water cloudy.
although, it does seem like the temperatures pretty low, so if it warms up a bit it should help!

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