Finallly Got My Tank Setup.


Fish Crazy
Aug 27, 2008
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Ok well, i found a tank on ebay, i got a real bargin with it..

I got a 60cmx30cmx38cm tank, a lid including a light..
A heater
A really big filter
A air pump
Some quite nice orniments, including, well basically everything you can see from the pictures - the little collom thing at the front of one.

I got loads of food and gravel and plants as well as other orniments i couldnt fit in.

It also came with the stand, All that for £30. Was really pleased with it, Welli now feel that my betta has the home he deserves, and im still waiting on my otheer two, altought they have a section ready for them.

Also, i know females can go together, do you think 2 females would be happy together in here. Or would one be the max..

Let me know what you think, thanks, craig.

(Sorry iv had to put pics up this wa, but the files are too big to upload)

Oh and iv decided to put my female in with the filter, i thought the males would benifit from the still water, were as the female isnt building nests so i dinnt think it would bother her as much.
It looks fantastic! I love the skull section of it!

What a bargain! =D

About the Females:
With the size tank I'd stick to just the 3 fish. The section for the female should probably just hold one, anymore than one in such a confined space and I think they'd get stroppy. People say that no less than 4 or 5 females in a tank is the minimum.

Its a nice looking tank and will look even better with all the fish in it!
if i where you i wouldnt stock one of the sections at all and i would keep it for when your at a lfs a see a amazing betta then youl have room and the betta thats in the end section with the filter is going to think its in a hurricane lol
lol i know!!! thats why i thought id put her in their, my love is for the males, im getting her for free to try and breed with :p
I have a suspiscion that Fluval ( is that a 3? ) will be MUCH too strong for a veiltail.

If you turn the outflow nozzel as far to the left as possible at the glass, you could get away with either a female, or a Plakat male in there. I've found that my Plakat has very little trouble living with the current on my Fluval 3 in the 12 gal.

A Veiltail or other long tailed varitey however, will be battered around that section even with the flow turned right down, as they are much poorer swimmers than Plakats due to the extra finnage.

You could try making a spray bar though. Using clear flexible pipe that fits the nozzel snugly, and a section of stiff/hard plastic pipe with small holes drilled into it and sealed at one end with aquarium sealant, mounted to a suction cup and with the holes facing the wall of the tank. That way you could get away with a veiltail ect in that section if you had nowhere else for one.
I have a male and a female coming to me next thursday, the plan is for the female to go into the filter section.
:good: I'd move the heater into the middle section Craig, Will give you a better spread of heat in all three sections.
Yer, welll i figured the other fish dont arrive untill next thursday, so ill let my lil guy have all the heat for now.

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