Ragged Tail?


Spishkeys Turtle Rescue
Jun 20, 2008
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afternon all.

unfortunatly i have been stuck in hospital with my daughter for 7 days, and have came home to find my bettas tail looking very torn and ragged. my b/f has been looking after it but cant understand whats happened? he has no tank mates and no sharp objects. no white edging it just looks shredded? any ideas how it has happened? will try get a pic up this evening
I would check the water stats and tank temp. I have had several bettas that chewed the crap out of their tails when stressed.
stress sound possible. he may be bored. i'd try rearangeing the tank to let him explore anew.

whats your ammonia level? that can cause bad fins.

try melafix to treat it.it worked wonders on one of my females...
my betta had a ragged tail but he had 3 corys in with him, i have removed them and i use melafix, makes the tank smell nicer than before...mmmm teatree

yeah i would use melfix to help the tail along. it could also gotten hung up on the plants
He probably just missed you, Spishkey, and will hopefully be fine now that 'mum's' home.
Some bettas do seem very people oriented, and some seem to focus very much on their caregiver.

Edit: OMG, I almost didn't ask about your DAUGHTER!
Is she better now?
He probably just missed you, Spishkey, and will hopefully be fine now that 'mum's' home.
Some bettas do seem very people oriented, and some seem to focus very much on their caregiver.

Edit: OMG, I almost didn't ask about your DAUGHTER!
Is she better now?

ah shes better than she was, almost back to her normal self, she has a check up on 2nd march then we go from there. we will also know that day if she requires an op or not so fingers crossed not! thanks for asking :)

going to test fishes water after lunch and give the tank an overhaul, theres a scummy film lying on top of the water so i think somethings gotten in the tank :(
I'll keep my toes crossed for you.
Nothing worse than suffering babies, but it sounds like she'll be fine in no time, hopefully without the surgery...
well its been three days and his fins are just getting worse?

ammonia 0 nitite 0 nitrate between 10-20

i added a med against fin rot just in case( saw a whitish outline around his tail) buts its doing no good? what could it be? ive not seen him chewing his tail?
You know, I think I have the beginnings of a similar problem with my Betta. One day the fins are fine, the next, tatty and ragged I did have an algae attack which happened literally within a few days. Very strange, I'll keep an eye on this thread, because I could do with the help aswell!


Hope all is well.

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