Planted Betta Tank


Fish Addict
Aug 26, 2008
Reaction score
Nottinghamshire, UK
This is my new tank with a bteea and a clown plec in it, what do you think of it.



constructive critism:

take the plants out of the pots. move the green stem plants on the right towards the back and move the smallest red one closer to the front ;)
constructive critism:

take the plants out of the pots. move the green stem plants on the right towards the back and move the smallest red one closer to the front ;)

Im not going to plant the pots yet as im moving down to plymouth soon to go to uni (again lol) and it will be easier to move them in pots although i am going to plant them properly when i get down there.

As for moving the plants to the back i would but you can view the tank from both the front (where the photo is taken from) and the right hand side, where my girlfriends desk is.

Thanks for the advice, i might play about with the positioning again later


EDIT: do you know what lighting the plants require too, the ones at the back right are growing well apart from the red one
That looks really nice :good: Have you checked out the for sale section to see if anyone is selling frogbit?
That looks really nice :good: Have you checked out the for sale section to see if anyone is selling frogbit?

Yeah, can't find any, and i would rather see some in a shop first, he seems happy as he is just wanted to get him bubblin' lol

I like the look of it and have had no wter problems thus far.

Looking good holland. Nice tank. Those plants need strong lighting so 10 hours of lighting would do.

How many watts is that bulb?
Looking good holland. Nice tank. Those plants need strong lighting so 10 hours of lighting would do.

How many watts is that bulb?

Its the standard 11W bulb, its the thin convoluted tubes,

the lights are normally on about 12 hours and haven't had any algea yet, unless the plec is eating it all at night lol

Red plants tend to be more demanding that other plants in my experience. (of course, this is a general statement). May need more / better light, but of course as soon as you do that you'll be opening up a whole can of worms...


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