Horrifing Video

What a twat. People like that deserve to be shot. I wouldn't have been as bothered if the betta was already dead, or if the fish consumed it instantly, but thats a slow death.

People are sick. There is nothing about that thats exciting or thrilling, I really don't know why people do it.
It really makes you wonder what goes through peoples minds when they do something like that.
I too can understand if the fish was already dead. but to TIE A LIVING FISH TO A STRING AND DROP IT IN WITH TIGER BARBS or anyother fish to be picked apart alive is indispicable.

How a person could do that is un imaginable. Hopefully Karma will kick him hard.
Thats harsh..

This is the info box next to it.

tiger barbs feeding!
PLZ ***READ!!!!!!******

I had a betta in a fish bowl.it was sick the pet guy said.i was reedin up on tiger barbs and it said thay nip on other fish tails.the betta was very sick it was flouting on its belly every day so y not.

i noe it was mean im sorry (i wont do that again)

Complete C**K
thats sick but its a year old so i bet we cant do anything
Just flag it for animal abuse. They guy clearly jut posted the video to get a rise out of the comments.
holy crap look theres goldfish in there and look at the comments on page three ill quote em


do they eat the goldfish aswell


they eat all the tales.
then i flush it

so sad how someone can get pleasure out of torturing helpless animals :( these videos should be removed from Youtube. Its a fish, a LIVING thing with feelings. If it were a cat or dog im sure people would have gone ballistic and had it removed right away. A living thing cat dog or fish does not deserve this.

I would really like to murder these people in the same way they murder these helpless animals but unfortunalty all we can do is flag them
I'm amazed people actually find it entertaining and think it's normal..

Some points I made and posted (if the comment ever is approved) so sane people know this is wrong.

1. NEVER ever mix tiger barbs with bettas, no wonder the betta got sick.
2. AND he got goldfish in the tank, there next when the barbs rip there fins I saw 1 already with hardly any tail.
3. If the betta was sick, in most cases put it in it's own tank, and if you know anything about fish i'm sure it could recover. I dont listen to pet stores usually on betta care.
4. Why would you feed a Sick fish to your healthy fish, common sense! The healthy fish can contract any disease it may have had.
5- There are humane ways to kill a fish, obviously this person has mental problems. Not to mention the fish was probably drowning, couldnt get up for air.

I flagged the video.

OMG it's playing to the little mermaid, what a psycho! Next he'll be like the guy in Saw, but in real life!
Yes, that's sad...but is it really necessary to post it here? In a betta lovers community? Just flag it on youtube :rolleyes:
Flagged as animal abuse and commented

please all users flag this!!!!!

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