Instead Of Half A Polystyrene Cup...

Bubblewrap, flat piece of polystyrene, Indian Almond Leaf, Floating aquatic plant such as amazon frogbit.
Thanks guys, :good:
I had some bubblewrap to spare so I used a sqare of that. He's shown interest, lets just see if he makes one during the night.
Thanks guys, :good:
I had some bubblewrap to spare so I used a sqare of that. He's shown interest, lets just see if he makes one during the night.
I used a fish bag cut into a 4 x 4 inch piece this week and its doing good. :lol:
My fish will happily make them on the top of his tank without anything there to build onto or under.

If i put somthing there he will use it thought...

just me? lol
I havn't seen a proper bubblenest in his current tank since a few months ago = since I took off things on the filter to slow the flow. He's comfortable with the speed of the water, it's not that strong, and its directed towards the glass its closest to and into a plastic plant. I know he's been trying to, theres remnants of bubblenest here and there in specific areas of the tank!

I just think the water surface is breaking it up, so putting this in might encourage him to keep trying.
what does it mean when they do make one
I have my tank split into 3 with the tank divider's. Altought one sections is quite fast moving with the filter, the other two are compleatly still. Maybe you could get a divider and just put it at the end with your filter in it...
You could get a spray bar for the filter and turn the holes to face the tank wall to direct the flow down he gass and keep the surface still, and calm for his bubblenests.

Also, Water lettuce is a great floating plant with long hanging roots, a nice one to cnsider if he doesn't take to the bubble wrap.
what does it mean when they do make one

there are in a good mood and lookin 4 some lovin!! :blush:
realy some make them all the time and some never do, but it is an indication of a happy betta, in the wild a nest attracts a female to visit the male,, so on and what not,, then baby bettas!!!

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