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  1. L

    Black Xmas Tree Coral!

    Hi all,just seen 2 of these at my LFS (jurassic aquatics in Retford) !! Just wondered if these are similar care requirements to the normal white xmas trees that are normally seen? many thanks! L200
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    Feeding Common Clownfish

    I feed on the New Era marine flakes, My fish luv em... Give them a whirl!
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    Weird Thing In My Torch Corals...

    Im almost sure its actually a type of barnacle that lives inside the coral. Doesnt do any harm methinks,but they dont seem to live very long unless the tank is mature. HTH,
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    Need Help Identifying And Removing Anemone Infestation

    Its ok,takes a few attepts tho,havent seen any mardy corals or dead fish so the acidic lemon juice cant be too bad!
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    Id My Starfish Plz

    Deffo a brittlestar,good member of your CUC!!
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    Coral Recommendations

    You shouldnt go wrong with leathers as a gud first coral,i know leathers that have hosted clowns too, Of the torches/hammers/whiskas corals,IMO torches are probably the hardiest of the 3. Just dont rush it m8,its difficult but thats the key!! :good:
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    Torch Coral Lighting

    Also it could be splitting one of its heads,they always seem to be a bit moody if one head is splitting into 2,usually if thats happenin ur not doin too much wrong....
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    Tubeworm Food?

    Ive been using Marine snow on my corals and dusters for a while and they seem to be enjoying it! They dont actually say so but they seem to be growing well enough!
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    Need Help Identifying And Removing Anemone Infestation

    Im currently trying jif lemon juice on the lil buggers....
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    Jap Wrasse Sleeping Habits

    Its just a form of protection,nothing to worry about at all!!
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    Advice On Skimmers

    Im using a via aqua skimmer,little noisy but does the job well, IMO the TMC V2s seem very good,the only drawback being the rather large pump... The shop i work at has a V2 on their rock curing trough and it seems to be doing an excellent job and it really quiet too! Hope that helps!
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    Coral Id

    It looks like a turbinaria/pagoda coral too me, It likes good lighting but not to direct a flow,as long as its got water passing by it to discourage detritus settling on it.
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    What Kind Of Light For The Refugium?

    Im using those arcadia arcpod thingys! Found they are perfect for the job!
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    Is Coral Non Photosynthetic

    I 100% agree with SH regarding sun corals,they look brilliant but really are hard work!
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    What Corals?

    I would agree with danno, Leathers are a great starter coral too!
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    Protein Skimmer Or Not?

    I would always recommend a skimmer,can get rid of 'problems' eg phosphate and nitrate !!
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    Pfk Nano-is It Big Enough To Actually Breed Anything In?

    endlers would be a thought,although i have a tankfull of parrot platys and they breed,lets say quite reguarly..... So if there anything like that then i will be overun pretty quickly! Cheers so far!
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    Pfk Nano-is It Big Enough To Actually Breed Anything In?

    Ive finally got round to setting up my PFK nano after months of waiting!!!! Its got a sand substrate with some vallis and a bit of java moss and a coco cave also. Its cycled for a good fortnight and all my tests seem ok,now time to add some fish! I would like to have a go at breeding...
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    Encouraging Coralline Algae Growth.

    My sides and back of my tank are plastered with coralline algae,ive found dosing with salifert amino acids really gets it growing! Oh and good water flow too!
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    Hi mate To be perfectly honest you need more LPH turnover. I prefer seio pumps to be honest!
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    Blue Sponge

    AFAIK it likes less light than most,good watercirculation and should never ever be exposed to air. Ive got a few small pieces in my tank and it seems to be doing ok!
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    UK Fish Store Directory

    Jurassic Aquatics 78 Thrumpton lane Retford Notts has now started getting a few marine bits and bobs in now,mainly fish but a few corals too. Very reasonable prices!
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    Clowns And Corals

    My daft pair of maroons host in a mushroom!!!!
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    Striped Dora? Spotted Dora?
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    L Numbers

    Ive recently seen these for sale at £79.99 in my not so LFS!
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    My New Finger Coral

    Thats a cracking specimen,nice and thick at the base!
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    Sand Sifting Starfish

    Mines doing the climb up the glass as I write this! First time ive seen it do it! Daft thing!
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    How To Weigh Down Cucumber

    All i do is stick 2 plant weights on either side! Imagine the cuke as a clock,put a weight in at 12 and one at 6 and just bend them round the edge! My L200 and synodontis love it!
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    My Green Phantom Pleco Louie

    I think that the L200 is one of my faves! Mines just reaching maturity and I believe he is a male,would love to be able to breed them one day! Will stick to my bristlenoses for now though!
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    Plec Collectors!

    I have got a pair of golden bristlenoses,a Blizzard Plec and a male( i think ) L200 Green Phantom which is known as Rasta!! Would love to have more though!
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    Substrate & Filtration

    An interesting thread,i too have a nitrate problem measuring 20 plus on the salifert test kit! I use a external but its got only kent nitrate sponge which im not impressed with and some rowaphos in a filter bag,was thinking of putting a nitrate reactor/reducer of putting in a refugium,what would...
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    Six Line Wrasse

    Im hopefully getting one soon,can i put a white belly wrasse in as well or wil they squabble? Its a 207 litre tank btw
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    Mediteranean Style Plants That Can Cope With The Rain!

    Yucca gloriosa is an excellent plant,give it very good drainage,as with all your plants exept the Gunnera,which would be quite happy stood in water im sure! Some of the agaves,aloes may need protection for the winter have you a greenhouse or something similar ? Pittosporums,aeoniums and some...
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    Cleaner Wrasse

    How long would you expect a cleaner wrasse thats feeding on flake,cyclopeeze,lancefish,brine shrimp,mysis to last just as a rough idea??
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    Help Ich And Cloudy Eyes

    My Powder Brown tang has now contracted whitespot and usually has a good number of 'spots' on him in the morning,after a couple of hours my cleaner wrasse has cleaned him up but the following day it is usually as bad,i have no space or means to set up a quarantine tank either. He is very active...
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    Mediteranean Style Plants That Can Cope With The Rain!

    Phormium tenax would be excellent,Miscanthus,there are many bamboos which are good,Melianthus major, Eucalyptus,Persicaria Red Dragon,Trachycarpus fortunei. Many others im sure :nod:
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    I have 5 humbugs in my tank,they were rather boisterious at first but now they have settled down and argue amongst themselves!
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    Planning To Add These Fish ....

    Coral beautys are a great choice IMO,mine even ate the hair algae that developed! Go for it,Eiblis angels are quite nice looking but i dont know anyone thats got one.
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    UK Fish Store Directory

    JURASSIC AQUATICS,Thrumpton Lane,Retford,Notts Has marines,trops and coldwater and most bits and bobs! Knowledge 7 they seem to know there stuff Variety 7 usually a decent variety of trops ,some nice very competitive prices as well esp on corals! Quality 7-8 family business,so quality is...
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    Black Ghost

    Its true,only a matter of time before the BGK start predating the tetras,its just nature i afraid.