Pfk Nano-is It Big Enough To Actually Breed Anything In?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 6, 2005
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Ive finally got round to setting up my PFK nano after months of waiting!!!!

Its got a sand substrate with some vallis and a bit of java moss and a coco cave also.

Its cycled for a good fortnight and all my tests seem ok,now time to add some fish!

I would like to have a go at breeding something,anything you can recommend that would possibly breed?

I was thinking maybe..

Kribs or a similar dwarf cichlid, or
A pair of fighters, or
Cherry barbs

Any suggestions would be great,

Betta's wouldn't work unless you have the time to care for many fry, room for 100's of jars to keep the male fry in and a big grow out for the females. Kribs get a bit big, a 24"x12"x12" tank is minimum in my opinion.

I would try a small species of killi or maybe multi's or even guppies/platties.
endlers would be a thought,although i have a tankfull of parrot platys and they breed,lets say quite reguarly.....

So if there anything like that then i will be overun pretty quickly!

Cheers so far!
When you say it's cycled for a fortnight, what do you mean?. All tanks have to be cycled fully.
You could probably breed shrimp or snails in there. :rolleyes:
Six of these should be ok...


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