My Green Phantom Pleco Louie


May 5, 2006
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Been trying to post a pic of Louie for ages! Hopefully this will work. It's not a great photo cos it's on a phone but it will do!!!



Sorry it's huge - can't work out how to get it smaller? Re-sized it on photobucket but still huge on here?

He had been nibbled at when we got him, as you can see on his fin, but it is now growing back nicely. When we get a decent camera we will post a better pic!
Wow, what a gorgeous phantom. We saw a couple at the LFS this afternoon. Really love them, but we already have our Queen Arabesques, plus now some red whiptails and small albino BN, so no more space. :wub: Lovely plec, and now, I am green with envy :alien:
Gorgeous and lovely bright green indeed :wub: they are fast as lighting aren't they ?
Thanks guys!

He is fantastic and has really started to come out of his shell. He is out and about all day! He is also a very greedy boy and will eat just about anything.

His dorsal is repairing nicely and he has gotten spottier and greener since that photo. Will post another as soon as I can get a nice one that's in focus

:wub: :wub:
Thanks guys!

He is fantastic and has really started to come out of his shell.

I`d take him back to the LFS plecs don`t have shells :hey:


the phantoms are ace fish though i`d love one
I think that the L200 is one of my faves!

Mines just reaching maturity and I believe he is a male,would love to be able to breed them one day!

Will stick to my bristlenoses for now though!
I think that the L200 is one of my faves!

Mines just reaching maturity and I believe he is a male,would love to be able to breed them one day!

Will stick to my bristlenoses for now though!

Sadly, Louie died very suddenly Wed night. Don't know why. He got very bloated, very quickly (almost like a balloon in his chest) and by the morning he was dead. All within 12 hours. I am gutted. He was also my favourite. No signs of anything wrong before this happened. :-(

I love them too though - very active aren't they? LFS said they will let me have another at a reduced price so going to get another on in a few weeks once my new tank is up and running. My tank just isn't the same without a bright green fishey swimming around!

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