Feeding Common Clownfish


Fish Maniac
Mar 4, 2005
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As you all know I'm a bit of a newbie when it comes to salties, so I'm seeking your advice.
I feed my clowns dry flake with spirulina and frozen Gamma brineshrimp. They are both around 45mm from snout to caudal peduncle but the will only take small foods. They will not take whole brineshrimp prefering instead to eat the pieces. The same with the flake I have to literally crumble it between my fingers inorder for them to eat it. They are both healthy, Deporting well and fins are errect. Maybe I'm used to feeding fish well and like to see a bulge in their belly then I know they have had a good feed. Clowns seem to be different, at least mine are.
Is this normal behaviour for this species. I was thinking if they like small foodstuffs then newly hatched brineshrimp should really be on the menu. Any views guys...
When I bought our clown he was slightly bigger than the tiny damsel already in the tank. Now, the damsel is almost twice as big as he.

Our clown eats only the first bits (sometimes only the first bit) at every feeding and then loses interest. The bits are always medium sized - like the size of an adult brine shrimp - that is not the problem but he is very picky at all. He often approaches food to leave it then or to spit it out again.

At the beginning, he ate only mysis shrimps as in the shop but then he turned to flakes, too. (Flakes in the morning is easier to serve, simply throw it into the tank. I also eat flakes in the morning ... :shifty: ) There are always small bits so I never noticed the issue of size. At the moment, he eats Tetra Min and another brand of marine flakes (Aqua something). I ordered once especially for him three diiferent flakes (one of them with garlic) of the famous Omega One series from the US but that didn't make any difference to him.
Yeah, mine did the same thing BigC. They started out being picky eaters but eventually turned into pigs. Give em time :)
I had a problem getting my two to eat frozen mysis for a while but it just takes some presistence and patience.
Yeah, mine did the same thing BigC. They started out being picky eaters but eventually turned into pigs. Give em time
I just fed them flake this evening and as you say they are comming round and really going for it now. Thanks guys.
Just as a footnote I purchased a little hardback book on Clownfishes in the Aquarium by Gregory B. Skomal from Amazon for around £5.
Excellent little TFH book
Thanks for the hint, BigC.

The book costs actually £ 6.56. Yes, here in Yorkshire, we count every penny, but it's still worth to get it.

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