Black Ghost

I have had a black ghost knife for about a year now. When I got him he was about 3 inches and now is about 8". When we first got him he was with our silver arowana and he stayed hidden well in order to not get eatten. We have rarely seen him eat, but obviously hes getting somethign or he wouldn't have survived a year. We moved him about 6 months ago to our other tank to see if he would stay out mroe and he hid just like before. Now we moved him to another tank that has no hiding spots, hoping that this will help him to grow. Just because you don't see your fish eat doesn't mean that they are not eating, if they are healthy and your water is good I'm sure that your fish will be fine, but you will need to upgrade your tank later because they get about 20" full grown. Mine has been a very slow grower and we've been able to keep him in our 90 for some time without having to move him up to our 125.
Its true,only a matter of time before the BGK start predating the tetras,its just nature i afraid.
katlifer imo it doesnt seem fair to put a bgk in a tank with no hiding spots they naturally hide during the day being nocturnal.
Ive had my BGK

for about 1 week now its about 3" i think

and its not shy atall its always out feeding
great fish to watch

i havent seen it picking on any neons yet!

but i fort that with my firemouth as ive had them for about 1month and i seen i neon in his mouth this morning...


got a good pick on my phone
Hiya lorax311420

I'm no expert on BGK - I've only had mine for 6+ weeks...but I found feeding great fun by using a Tetra food product, it's bloodworms in a jelly, but it's handy because when you rip the top off it's only a small hole at one corner, like a feeding BGK eats right out of the tube, not even scared of my hand being near it! I let it do this then I squirt the whole packet into its hiding place so it gets a good feed.
I really reccomend it, the other fishes like it too for a treat (my clown loach sits on my pinky while I feed it to him)
Hope this helps, I'm sure he's feeding fine but you could try 'Tetra bloodworms'
I'm sure he'll like his new home with u and your gf, he needs a little extra care than the other fishes, but it's a great oddball to have.
Good luck! :)
When I first got my BGK it didn't see it eat for about 2 months. Every fish that I have ever bought has had a shy period, and some fish have longer ones than others. After 2 months my BGK will feed from my hand :D

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