Coral Recommendations


Fish Herder
Apr 9, 2007
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Hi all,

I'm looking to get corals pretty soon, as my water chemistry is getting to the point of stability now. I was wondering what corals people would recommend for a first timer :blush:

I want something pretty, but is also as tough as old boots. I do like the torch corals, hammers and whisker corals but don't know how difficult they are to keep.

Any suggestions are greatly welcomed.

Ammonia = 0
Nitrites = 0
Nitrates = 0
Phosphates = 0.30
PH = 8.3
Temp = 82F
SG = 1.026
CA = 480

Many thanks,

What do you like? Color? Tentacles or meat, stone, weeds, peculiar, what do you like?
Hmm I like the look of torch corals and hammer corals and whiskers. Basically I'd like something that my clowns can be hosted in, that is pretty and colourful. Then when I'm ok with keeping that alive, I'll expand into other corals. I just want something as described above that is ideal for a first coral that is easy to keep. :good:
I recommend not getting an anemone for your tank until water is at least 6 months old but thats my opinion

Take a look at this for help

Karen rose

Just my opinion


You shouldnt go wrong with leathers as a gud first coral,i know leathers that have hosted clowns too,

Of the torches/hammers/whiskas corals,IMO torches are probably the hardiest of the 3.

Just dont rush it m8,its difficult but thats the key!! :good:
You can pick just about any Euphyllia genus coral (hammer, torch, frog, galaxea) they're all pretty hardy. Bubble corals are easy too. Brain corals, even acanthastrea should be fine for you since you've got halide lighting. And obviously any of the photosynthetic softies would work too (xenia, zoos, palys, leathers, mushrooms, etc). Just beware some of the softies grow like weeds and might be troublesome 6 months down the road ;). Common "weed" culprits are actinodiscus species mushrooms, xenia, and kenya tree.
Thanks for all the suggestions guys.

I couldn't see any hammers at the LFS although I think they had a big leather and a brain coral over there. In the end I decided to just go with a frag with some pulsing xenia. Its was £18.95. I thought I'd go with something simple and see how I get on with it for a few weeks before adding anything else.

I'm going to be culturing my own photoplankton soon too, so I want to get that all running smoothly before I start making too many purchases. Phyto isn't cheap!!

Anyway, here's a pic of ma first ever coral.... aww :blush:

remember that in the wild, clowns wouldnt host in torch, bubble, or leather corals, so in a tank, these corals wont be use to it. ive seen clowns/corals be fine for awhile, and then the coral completely fall apart because the clown(s), were too aggresive, or irritating to the coral. im just goin off what ive seen and the wild.

but besides that, try colt corals, they grow big, sometimes in cool colors. or like a yellow figi leather Yellow Figi leather, ive seen these things, and when there out there awesome. but like ski said anythin under halides and good water conditions, is gonna flourish and grow faster than other compact lighting.

good luck :good:

I like the look of the leathers. There is a huge one, must be 18"-24" across in one of the display tanks at my LFS, which a skunk clownfish resides in. I think they also had one for sale for about £30. It's definitely on my list. Will have to get the phytoplankton underway soon :D.

Thanks for all the suggestions guys.

Thanks Rob :good:

Yeah, I've got a lot of things to sort out. I'm going to use my old Juwel Rio 180 light unit, stand it vertically and construct a framework around it. Then I'll place 4 x 3 litre bottles (someones gonna be p!$$!ng for Britain :rolleyes:), 2 on each shelf, to culture the phytoplankton. From reading on Melev's reefs site, it looks like plain old tapwater, boiled and allowed to cool and mixed with salt is an ideal starter (probably because of the nitrates in it). He also adds 5ml of miracle grow plant food and some trace elements.

Once I've got that up and running, I'll start adding more corals. I'll also need to look at getting some reactors for calcium and rowaphos. Jesus I'm getting poorer by the day! You'll probably see me near the London Underground with a cardboard sign and a dog. Please give generously people :p
yeah i culture phyto, it isnt as easy or as fast as marc makes it sound lol. But i used RO/DI water instead of tap to stay on the safe side.

BTW you dont need phyto for corals, its been proven that corals barely benefit from expensive phyto if they benefit at all.

For future reference dont ever spend money on pulsing xenia, i think ive been offered free xenia from 6 people so far. It is a weed and people are dying for other people to take it off their hands.

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