Plec Collectors!

looks like a gibbi and a common to me.

I hope you aren't adding anything else to your 27.5Gal tank, either that or you are upgrading pretty sharpish, as gibbiceps get to 18" or more and commons get to at least 14".

99% of commons sold in the UK are liposarcus pardalis, which WAY exceed 14", I've personally seen a roughly 2ft handin at the LFS, and other boards report of over 2ft. They generally outgrow gibbies too.
Thanks - well we've been told that it's likely he's a he :good: :wub: So I'll have to have a think now. Might end up with a name to go with De Niro's :lol:

You could call him Bob. Then you would have Bob, De Niro! LOL!
Where are people fining long fin bristles and L183 in the UK?????

I know Trimar stock them, but they are quite pricey for the size of them.

I get mine off local breeders and grow them on, out of the eight fry I bought back in January I have two definate males in the group.

L183, again Trimar have been known to stock them, and Im sure that most LFS'S that have L No's will have them in stock, its just the case of finding them.

Thanks - well we've been told that it's likely he's a he :good: :wub: So I'll have to have a think now. Might end up with a name to go with De Niro's :lol:

You could call him Bob. Then you would have Bob, De Niro! LOL!

LOL - I'll put that on the growing list of names we have shortlisted :D The good thing about the name Bob is that he can be called it if he's a she too, for the Blackadder reference
I have got a pair of golden bristlenoses,a Blizzard Plec and a male( i think ) L200 Green Phantom which is known as Rasta!!

Would love to have more though!
I have to add that we now have a Rusty Plec as well as our Gibby :)

No piccies yet, he's too small to capture on film with my camera *lol*

Here he is, quite possibly the cutest fish I've ever seen, and one of the most striking. Cant wait for him to grow up, he's only 2" but he's cleaned out 6 x 2 x 2ft tank from top to bottom, and has already grown some :)

And his home (my hubby's tank)
I've met him and he's GORGEOUS! :wub: :wub:

I gather you live near Lisa? lol

heres my list:

1x Bristlenose (thought it was female, but it has started to grow barbels up the center of its head now as well, so could me a male)

1x Bulldog Plec

1x L001 (pictured in my sig, ok its a vectorised version, but that the beauty)

3x Otocinclus Vestitus

a ickle list i know :blush: When I get my HUGE!! tank I'm gonna buy some decent plecs as well lol
I've met him and he's GORGEOUS! :wub: :wub:

I gather you live near Lisa? lol

LOL yes, Lisa's my sister and she lives in the next street across (over my front fence). About as close as you can get without us living in adjoining houses *lmao*.

Nice list by the way - how big is your BN? I'm asking because we have one that's about 1.5" that's getting the beginnings of bristle around the edge of it's face. It's too soon to tell if it's a boy or a girl, but the general feeling is that if he was female he wouldn't be getting bristles this young - although I know girls can have bristles around the edge.
From my knowledge BN females 'generally' have bristles around their lip, and not up the middle of their face, like the males.

S/He is about 3" I bought 'it' around 1" maybe smaller, I saw some today which were about 3cm :wub: they looked SO cute!

It started to develop bristles around 1.5 - 2"

Thanks for the comment about nice list :lol: I like it when people humour me :shifty: lmao!

BNs also have spines around there mouths, which I had never seen only read comments about, until I swoped my l001 and BN around, moved the L001 into the bigger tank, and as I fishes it out it flicked its spikes out and got them caught in the net, and while trying to get it out it poked me a few times, I didn't hurt myself, but when bigger I could see some pain being inflicted with them :crazy:
well i don't have any plec's atm but am looking to get some more, probably 3 BN's.

i have had (sorry for common names as i didn't really know what they were when i had them)

1 gibby
3 bulldog/rubbernose
1 clown
1 common whiptail
5 otto's
thinks that's all of them.

think that's it not the biggest of the lists lol.

could i ask for a little advice on the BN's?

i was thinking of getting 3, but they are still under an inch in the LFS i saw them in and i'm worried about them being picked on in my tanks, the only solution i have is to try and grow them out in a small tank? but my 15g they won't be able to go in so that leaves two 3.5g or a 2.5g. i don't think it will work?

Ben, do you know if there are any bigger BN's in aquatic habitat?

EDIT - i've got soem now don't worry.


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