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  1. G

    My best shot ever!!!

    How did you manage such a great pic - it's brilliant :)
  2. G

    Oh well, my platy didn't make it

    If you want to use carbon, then use a new one. Carbon isn't essential for the tank, I personally don't bother with it. It's good for keeping the water crystal clear and removing old medications. Just remember that if you do decide to use carbon, then it has to be regularly changed.
  3. G

    Water temperature

    Use a thermometer. You will find that with time, you will be able to judge the temperature, but until then, use a thermometer. Also, a change of a degree or two either way, will not harm the fish.
  4. G

    juwel upgrade?

    Instead of upgrading, why don't you just add an external filter. I've done that on my juwel - the water is really clear and the fish are doing well.
  5. G

    flow control

    What kind of filter is it - internal or external?
  6. G


    Hi Discus and welcome to the forum. What size tank do you have? Please remember that adult discus are large fish and need a lot of space. Depending on the size of your tank and how many discus you have, then we can recommend other fish to go with them.
  7. G

    Water Level

    There is never the exact amount of water in a tank as the tank suposedly holds. That is a 10 gallon will never hold exactly 10 gallon, or a 180 litre will never hold 180 litres. You must take into acount the substrate, decoration, plants, heaters and anything else that is in the tank. It's...
  8. G

    Does my plec have enough to eat?

    Sounds really yummy :sick: If it sinks to the bottom, then it'll do, but don't forget the algae wafers. Plecs also like veggies- cucumber, courgettes, shelled peas. Cut a thin slice of cucumber or courgette, dip it in boiling water (careful not to burn yourself) and attach it to a peg or...
  9. G

    NEW FISH!!!!!!!

    Congrats on the new arrivals. Where have you put them?
  10. G

    stuck with a blood sucker

    As I said before - they're not all bad. Most of the problems with CAE's relate directly to the fact that they are terratorial fish that are kept in unsuitable tanks. Give one space to call his own without other fish constantly entering his domain (taking into account the fact that his...
  11. G

    stuck with a blood sucker

    OK, so you've got a CAE. Not all of them turn nasty, as can be seen in this link. Hopefully, you've got one of the nice ones. Your 10 gallon is really too small for him coz they grow to a minimum of 6", possibly much more. Keep him well fed, give him plenty of hiding places and that should...
  12. G


    Yes you are still overstocked. Is there any possibility of upgrading to a (much) larger tank. If not you must be very very diligent with water changes and also if you have a very good filter it will also help to keep things stable until you can upgrade.
  13. G

    No luck with user gallery

    lovely pic - I don't know how to add it to user gallery, but you can put in Rogues Gallery which is pinned at the top of this section.
  14. G

    do i need to worry?

    Bubbles should "pop" within a second or two. If they are staying on the top without "popping" it could well be a sign that your water or filter media is dirty. Even if you do regular water changes, the gravel might still need cleaning or the filter media needs a clean. Check to make sure that...
  15. G

    Vacuuming Gravel

    Do you have lots of ornaments and/or plants? If yes then do all the gravel, if not then just stick to half one week and the other half the following week.
  16. G

    Vacuuming Gravel

    How old is the tank - if it's still very new, then only do half at a time and don't clean the filter at the same time.
  17. G

    Algae build-up

    You don't have to worry about the algae - it's easy to clean off the top of the tank. What you should be worried about is keeping so many fish in a 5 gallon hex. Unforunately hex tanks can't hold as many fish as a rectangular tank of the same volume due to the smaller surface area of the hex...
  18. G

    Dragonfish constipated

    what do you feed him? They don't do well on flakes and pellets, best thing is frozen bloodworm, daphnea etc. They don't eat veggies, so I doubt that they would eat the peas.
  19. G

    Best way to clean water?

    I'm not sure I understand you properly. Do you use a gravel syphon or just clean the gravel with water changes?
  20. G

    Best way to clean water?

    The bubbbles from air curtains should disappear after a second or two. If they stay as froth could be that the tank is not as clean as it should be. Are you doing regular water changes and gravel cleaning?
  21. G

    what can jewels live with?

    I doubt if the kribs would survive the jewels. Jewels are best kept with other cichlids that are big enough to take care of themselves. Also you can only keep one pair (male and female) of jewels in a tank - and that has to be large enough for them to hide from each other some of the time...
  22. G

    3 week newbie in need of assistance

    Once they get used to their new surroundings they will most probably get a bit more daring. But, they are nocturnal so don't worry if you don't see too much of them. BTW, if you have females, their bristles will be very small, just a small smattering of them. But they are lovely fish and do a...
  23. G

    Re-aquascaped tank photo

    Your tanks are really amazing - you must have some very happy fish in them.
  24. G

    planted tank

    To get good plant growth the sand needs to be about 2" deep. How big is the tank and what lighting do you have?
  25. G


    If they're still like that when you see them, test the water for ammonia, nitrites and nitrate. If it's a new tank and he's cycling with the fish, then that could be the problem.
  26. G

    What's the best trick in removing fishes from

    Good point - I suppose you keep trying until you get the fish you want.
  27. G

    Cheesiest Tank ornament

    :*) I'm guilty of owning a "castle ruin" I bought it many years ago when I first started to keep fish and at the time, thought it really nice (oh, the shame of it :sad: ) It's in my cichlid tank and try as I might to remove it, I can't. My featherfin syno lives in it and won't give it up for...
  28. G

    Testing water

    Unless there's something that's put into the water to cause the ph to change, then it should stay the same. What are you transporting the water in?
  29. G


    Please try to give some more info about the tank and we'll take it from there.
  30. G

    Lost Guppy?

    When small fish die and are not taken out immediately from the tank, the other fish will eat it :sick: and that's most probably what happened to your guppy :sad: Sorry to hear that.
  31. G


    No they don't "shake" or sit on the bottom unless something is wrong. How long has he had them. Have they anywhere to hide - plants, ornaments, anything? How big is the tank and has it cycled. Please try to give a bit more information and then we might be able to find out what the problem is.
  32. G

    Before and After Planted tank

    That tank is amazing - both the before and after pics. You must have some really happy fishies in there.
  33. G

    I ordered from them about a year ago and had no problems. The plants arrived after 2 weeks - exactly as I was told. Could they be on holiday or something?
  34. G

    Newbie trying to build a community

    It's difficult to tell you what fish are suitable for your tank untill you tell us what size the tank is. Also has the tank cycled? Do you know what ammonia, nitrite and nitrate levels are in the tank. Sorry I can't give a more specific answer, but I'll try to do better once you supply the...
  35. G

    Variations on my PH

    What's the ph of the tap water? Once the tank cycles, the ph should settle. Also there are some substrates that will change the ph. Crushed coral and others will have an effect on the ph. What's your substrate?
  36. G

    Sand Substrate

    There's quite a variety of sand that you can use in a tank, but the cheapest I think is play sand that can be bought in any toy store. Silica sand is very good and not too expensive and then you can have black sand. It's really whatever takes your fancy. To wash it put some of it in a bucket...
  37. G

    Aquatic Frogs

    I hope you mean make sure that the fish CAN'T eat them. I keep 2 ADF's in my community tank with no problem. They eat frozen foods, brine shrimp, glass worms, bloodworms etc. You have to feed them specifically, not just drop food in the tank, especially if there are a lot of fish with them...
  38. G

    Lake Tanginka

    What plecs have you got? If they're ordinary ones they will grow to about 15" each. Your synos will reach 6-8" each so IMO you haven't got any more room for anything. I know that's not the answer you wanted, it's just my opinion.
  39. G

    Tank strength?

    Doesn't the theory that the weight of the water displaced by an object is equal to the weight of the object itself work here. If you put in rocks weighing 10lbs then the weight of the water displaced will be 10lbs so there is no difference in the weight of the water with rocks or without...