
Fish Fanatic
Oct 10, 2004
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i have the discus but the tank is looking boring what fish go with them :blink:

thanks for the help :rolleyes:
My LFS store has discus with angels and rainbows and diamond tetras and neons. The tank is huge but it is so prety and the fish all seem very happy in there.
Hi Discus and welcome to the forum.
What size tank do you have? Please remember that adult discus are large fish and need a lot of space. Depending on the size of your tank and how many discus you have, then we can recommend other fish to go with them.
I just posted a topic like this last week before buying my discus :p

Sterbai Cory is great
Rummy noses are great
Clown Loaches are fine
I heard somewhere that Angels are a no no
I took back my black widows and seprae tetras as they were tail nippers, but they were kept in a smaller group so that is probably why.
When I was raiseing Discus I would put Angels in the tank. It bought my sulky discus back to behaveing normally as the angels gave them some real competition for food. I have also kepts them with a Flag Chichlids, Severums, Cories, Oto's Banjo cats, Raphael cats and larger tetras.

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