

Fish Crazy
Sep 6, 2004
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My freind has got 3 new guppies and placed them into a seperate tank (so there on there own) but i went round there and they seem to just sit on the bootom or hide under the filter and kinda shake if thats the right word -_-

Or unless they r just shy atm and hiding from us, and just *shaking* to keep themselfs afloat
No they don't "shake" or sit on the bottom unless something is wrong. How long has he had them. Have they anywhere to hide - plants, ornaments, anything? How big is the tank and has it cycled. Please try to give a bit more information and then we might be able to find out what the problem is.
gadazobe said:
No they don't "shake" or sit on the bottom unless something is wrong. How long has he had them. Have they anywhere to hide - plants, ornaments, anything? How big is the tank and has it cycled. Please try to give a bit more information and then we might be able to find out what the problem is.
If i rember rightly there is fake plants in there and an ornament and im not sure what cycle...maybe a fish cycle coz i dont rember him with an empty tank that long

they aint actually siting on the floor, more liks hovering just above. I was thiking possibly just in shock or stressed from the move and im gonna gho round tommorow to check up on them and ill see if they ahve changed :nod:

O also i think its around 5-7 gallons in size and is rectangler, (this is one of his smallest tanks, he has 3)
you've turned the lights off, right? if they're stressed being in the dark will de-stress tehm a bit.
If they're still like that when you see them, test the water for ammonia, nitrites and nitrate. If it's a new tank and he's cycling with the fish, then that could be the problem.
ah ok

ill tell him to turn the light off shortly and hope they will be fine in the morning :)

isnt it ok to cycle with hardy fish? i always thought it was...
also they wasnt actually shaking...more like flapping fins quick to stay hovering :/

ill post tmz as im going to bed now!
it's better than cycling with weak fish...but it's best of all to cycle without any fish at all. why bother damaging them?
right just popped over his and im back now,

they seem fine now, i think they was justed stressed/getting used to the tank, they are happily swimming about playing follow the leader and tag, heh
How strong is the current in the tank? This just sounds like the guppies are current cruising to me. Swimming to stay in the same place.

Perfectly normal behaviour.
yeah comming to think of did seem thats what they was doing

Im gonna get some guppies for my tank tmz cant wait :D (gonna go through same process he is doing) ill keep you posted
yep, got them today, they are so kewl!

although one one of the females tend to keep chasing the male and other female around :/

I thought fish cycling was ok? Always used to be done with fishies, and my LFS (betta Aquatics, big firm thingie) says its fine to start with hardy fish..

Also im worried they wont breed as the females seem to keep chasing the male :( or is this some kinda flirting?

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