Oh well, my platy didn't make it


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2004
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After two days of treatment my platy died. I'd only had her for two weeks but was fond of her already. She was very pretty and smart. These little guys have their way of crawling into your heart don't they?
I've been thinking hard about how could she have gotten sick and the main suspects are 3 guppys I received as a gift. Either that or the tubifex worms I fed them as I read somewhere that some times worms can carry parasites. Although I must say this possibility seems very unlikely.

Now my question: I have an UGF with a powerhead and the LFS people instructed me to bury the carbon package in the gravel when I first set my tank up. When I was medicating the tank, I removed the active carbon. Should I put it back in just like that or should I get a new one?

I'd like to thank all who gave me advice and encouragement while my fish was sick. Bye-bye platy girl! :byebye:
If you want to use carbon, then use a new one. Carbon isn't essential for the tank, I personally don't bother with it. It's good for keeping the water crystal clear and removing old medications. Just remember that if you do decide to use carbon, then it has to be regularly changed.
Hi, Thanks for the replies
All right! I'll get a new one :)
Sorry to hear your platy didn't make it :byebye:

I personally don't use the carbon in my filters unless I've had meds in there

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