Lost Guppy?


New Member
Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
Melbourne Australia
I posted a topic regarding a guppy missing its tail.
I am not sure what happened to its tail but it was fine for a few weeks then it wasnt there!!!
WEll..... the guppy has since gone A.W.A.L. :dunno:
We have done several water changes cleaned the gravel etc, and moved most of the plants, and still no sign of it.
I dont know if the other fish have eaten it, (they do get very hundry at times.)
Is this normal for a fish to vanish of the face of the earth????

The residence of the fish tank are
4 Moss Barbs
5 tiger Barbs
3 Molies
4 guppies
2 platies
5 Black Neons.
This can happen from time to time.....if it hasn't jumped out of the tank(I assume you have checked surrounding area) then it could have died and been consumed by the other fish. Have you checked inside your filter?
maybe you wasnt looking and sucked it up the hose while changing water? and in your haste was searching the tank while it was in the bucket, lol
When small fish die and are not taken out immediately from the tank, the other fish will eat it :sick: and that's most probably what happened to your guppy :sad: Sorry to hear that.
:sad: Earlier this year, I had two Dwarf African Frogs in my tank then they suddenly disappeared. I looked everywhere for them . . . even removed all of my decorations! I guess they died and my fish ate their bodies. :X
I think the most stressful part of being a fishkeeper is having a missing fish! I remember one morning as i was saying 'hello' to my babies :whistle: i noticed that Thalia, one of my platies, was missing. I was sooo distraught that i called my husband and was even over 30 minutes late for work because i was frantically trying to find her :rofl: . I searched around the outside in case she jumped, lifted all the decorations, shook all the plants.. but she was just gone! I was soooo upset. Then two days later I was watching tv and just happened to glance over and who did i see swimming by? Thalia!! To this day i have no idea where she was hiding or why.. but i'm just glad she's back!

My angel Franklin wasn't so lucky. He too was missing for a few days. .did the same.. removed the decorations and shook the plants. I found his 4 days later mostly eaten buried in a plant. :-(

Anyway.. not sure there's a point to this long rambling post.. other than to let you know that we've all been in your shoes and understand the stress this causes. You obviously care about your fish which is good. I hope he shows up again.

Good luck!


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