Variations on my PH


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2004
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I apologize for all this cycling questions, but I'm new at this and would like to know if I'm on the right path or if I messed up!

I've been fishless cycling my 10 gal. tank for over a month now. My ammo is down to 0ppm and my nitrites and nitrates are off the chart (as expected). My concern is that I've noticed variations in the PH and KH levels. I had very high ph readings at the beginning of the cycle, (ph=9.5) and someone suggested it could be too much ammonia. I guess as the bacteria began to form and the ammo levels began to decrease, it helped my ph to drop to 7.5, then 7, but now it is at 6!! :blink:
Something similar happened to my KH in the beginning it was 11, then it dropped to 5, then 4, then 3, and now 2.5!

Is this very wrong? I know I'm not harming any fish which is great, but I was wondering if this could be an indicator of something going wrong or not.
Has anyone had any similar experience? Does anybody knows what it means?

Again, thank you all for any help! :nod:
What's the ph of the tap water? Once the tank cycles, the ph should settle. Also there are some substrates that will change the ph. Crushed coral and others will have an effect on the ph. What's your substrate?
CO2 injectors, shells and bog wood will also drop your PH, what decor do you have in your tank?

PH swings will harm your fish, moreso than a PH reading that is generally considered too high or too low for that particular fish. You need to find out what is causing such a rapid drop and stabilise your tank before you add fish.

Good luck!
Hi Thank you for your replies!

Well, my tap water ph is 7.5, I've tested it after letting it sit overnight. My sustrate is gravel I got from my LFS. There are a couple of lava rocks in it, but I also tested them with a drop of hydrochloric acid and they didn´t frizzle.

A couple of days ago I noticed some slimy veneer on the rubber parts of the heater and the powerhead, and I kinda scraped it off leaving tiny particles floating around. Do you think that had something to do with it?
Not sure what it is but something is softing your water in which alows the PH to swing. I know you can see this for yourself. But you need to find out what is soften your water. If it swings this bad with out fish it will even be worse when fish are added. Only other thing I could see it that your getting alot of CO2 in your tank. Wood and peat will my it drop as said already, but sea shells make your water harder and make the PH more stable. This does not mean fill it full of shells thoe. I will do a web search on this and see what I can find.

1 Anything else in tank.
2 Have you done water changes and is this filtered or sofened water.
3 Size of tank
4 Is there any live plants in tank.

1. Nothing else in the tank apart from the rocks, the heater, powerhead and filter.

2. Yes! Well, is more like I've added water after dechlorinating it to make up for the evaporated water. Direct from tap water, not filtered.

3. My tank is approx. 10 gal (40 litres)

4. No plants yet, live or plastic. Was thinking about getting some though. Is that all right? Putting plants while the tank is cycling, I mean.
Yes you can add live plants they will help you with the cycle. They help by adding bacteria and they eat up ammo and both nitirates. But don't think they will help with the PH thing. But better to get ahead of the algae.

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