Re-aquascaped tank photo


Fish Addict
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
Suffolk, UK
Well, several members have asked to see a photo of the recently re-aquascaped community tank.

So here it is:


It really looks nice! Where did you get those woods?
bunjiweb said:
Are your bristlenose a male and female?

They certainly are! :D

parker313 said:
Looks great!! What size tank is that?

canarsie11 said:
Very nice....What size?

It's a 180 litre/50 US gallon Juwel tank.

guppygirl said:
Awesome!!! I'll give it a TOTM, whenever THAT happens!!!

Thank you! :)

yhbae said:
Where did you get those woods?

Most of the bogwood came from Swallow Aquatics in Colchester. They sell any large piece for £4.99 or small for £2.99 (or something cheap like that). The mopani came with another tank we bought secondhand, and the large fake mangrove root came from The Range for about £15. You can find it in many lfs though.
Looks amazing!

I'm just about to get my new tank delivered and couldn't decide between small gravel and sand.

Thx for making my mind up for me, sand it is!!

Fantastic tank!

I'll nominate the first pic for sure!

Our 50 is looking a bit worse for ware at the moment... Dying leaves on plants and just getting over an algae problem - its pics like that that re inspire me!

This weekend I'll be giving the tank a LOT of TLC and some cash spending on it to!

What light wattage do you have over the tank (and fertiliser/CO2??)
What a great tank :)

It must have been quite a bit of work to get it looking that good :thumbs:

What type of sand is that? Silica?

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