Search results

  1. M

    ADF's and aggressiveness

    Could it be an ACF cause they have sharp claws don't they.
  2. M

    African dwarf frog!!

    It wuld be a good idea to get rid of it. See if you can give it to a friend or a lfs.
  3. M

    Y my tetras hyper

    My zebra danios do that to.
  4. M


    I forgot I think it burns them or somehting similar to that.
  5. M

    Betta with Popeye

    I found the article on the internet and it tells about popeye.
  6. M

    different types of platy

    I think the red and orange platies are called sunset fire platties, but I'm not entirely sure.
  7. M


    Don't use salt with any scaleless fish.
  8. M

    FOr all those who breed...

    I think it's fun to watch the fry grow.
  9. M

    Pretty yellow fish needed

    They have lemon tetras at my lfs but they aren't completely yellow. They're clear and yellow.
  10. M

    Closed Tank

    If you want to get mnore air into the water I think you could use a bubble wall.
  11. M

    Your worst disater

    Nothing really bad has happened yet, but once I spilled a bunch of Melafix in the tank :X and once I forgot to dechlorinate the water before I poured it in :X
  12. M

    African Clawed Frog Tadpoles

    I found this article on this website on how clawed frogs tadpoles eat. It's really weird but cool. :blink: :D Tadpoles kill by supersuction Tadpoles of African dwarf clawed frogs catch their prey by a surprising means. Tadpoles typically work their elaborate, jagged mouthparts over a...
  13. M

    microsoft wants to help you !!!

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  14. M

    New computer....

    That makes even my computer look good :lol: jk cool computer
  15. M

    Whats your favorite fish

    guppies :D
  16. M

    New Fish

    you scared me there for a second :grr: :D cool fish :thumbs:
  17. M

    Huge clowns

    :o You haven't eaten your own fish have you :P
  18. M

    how many gals?

    how many gallons is it
  19. M

    April Small Tank of the Month

    I really like that pot in julie's tank.
  20. M

    Plant question

    Is there any plants I could keep in my 10g with an incandescent light. I can't find a flourescent light that'll fit.
  21. M

    poop hanging from betta

    :lol: :sick:
  22. M

    silly question about angel fish

    I've never heard of any :dunno:
  23. M

    Ghost Shrimp or otos

    It depends on how aggressive your betta is and how much they like the taste of ghost shrimp ;) I had 2 living with my betta a while ago and they lived to together fine. My friend had 1 for her betta but the betta ate it so it just really depends.
  24. M

    bettas and community tanks

    You should probably keep your bettas in there own tanks.
  25. M

    How long?

    thanks guys Will it be okay to leave my light off becuase I can;t find a florescent (sp?) light that fits my tank.
  26. M

    How long?

    I'm going to be gone for 7 or 8 days, and I was wondering if It's ok to not feed my fish for that long or if I need to get someone to feed them.
  27. M

    Blood Python

    :lol: I wanna get a Banana Python when I move out.
  28. M

    My dog is posessed by satan!

  29. M

    Immortal ACF

    I don't know the normal life span but wow she's older than me
  30. M

    Just found snails

    Unless you like snails alot you should remove them becuase they're like rabbits.
  31. M

    ADF substrate question

    The snail are completely fine where they are. I think the frogs will be ok with that gravel, but still ask around because I'm not sure. HTH :D
  32. M

    Newest baby

    Sea_Monster87's bunny just started using the litter box for no reason. :huh:
  33. M

    Kitten Pics

    :wub: :wub: :wub:
  34. M

    would it be ok

    I'd recomend getting dwarf African ffrogs (not African Clawed Frogs) and they will live great with your guppies and their poses are very funny.
  35. M

    red clawed crab

    Definitely ask Ken he gives really good crab advice. I asked him a bunch about crabs when I had one until it died. :-(
  36. M

    Clown Fish dieing because of finding nemo

    It makes me really mad :angry: when the pet store says that it's alright to put the fish in tap water and say that they dont need very much room to live in or try and stop the people from buying the fish.
  37. M


    FOTM nomination for the hillstream loach