Pretty yellow fish needed


Fish Fanatic
Apr 4, 2004
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I'd like to have some ideas on some pretty yellow fish. That's what color I'd like to have in my tank along with everything else. I'll be adding yoyo loaches or some type of cories for bottom feeders, but I just want something pretty in yellow. Any nicely colored yellow tetras? Suggestions? :blink:
Here's a picture of my 2 guppies. Just thought I'd share

They're half yellow and half orange :D
Pinapple Swordtails might also work if you find the yellower colored ones. The Electric Yellow Cichlid is perfect for what you're looking for, just not in the temperment or water conditions.
I have gold dust mollies - they are a bright yellowish-gold with a few black specs on them. I actually have one that's solid yellow, no black specs. They're all just beautiful!

What about Dwarf Honey Gouramis. They are Just Yellow and Don't gro more than 5cm. I have 4 in my tank and they have real characters, they are always kind of dueling with there Feelers.

Golden Wonder Killis. Beatiful and yellow

Be Careful, with Killis, If you end up with a female, she will go after your cardinals and any other small fish.

Happened with me, for a while, but she has settled down now. Found her with a Sparkling Gourami 3/4 in her mouth and had to rescue it.
Well, females aren't yellow so I doubt he would want one.

I never had any problems with my female but if you do get one and a male the male will harrass her so much I doubt she'll have time to do any cardinal killing. :D
Sharky--I don't think the gold severum would get along with the other gouramis. Don't I wish though...they are beautiful fish! :D
What about a Ram. You can get different colours, but 2 of mine are a really bright yellow. They are a very peacful cichlid and aren't as hard to look after as people say.

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