New computer....


Fish Addict
Feb 19, 2004
Reaction score
Here it is, wow it has like 31743 bytes free!
Shes a keeper
at work,
we usually buy out stores and things for shelving and end up getting some crazy amount of useless junk. This time we cleaned out a school and got like 3 computers that are really old and im told 6 more newer, but still old, apples. I get em all for free :p
That's probably worth a bob or two to a collector.
Does it work? It doesn't look like something you could show off. Maybe you can boobie trap your house so when a burglar walks in it could fall on his head and kill/knock him/her out. Other than that it's pointless to have. :p I read in a magazine (a fish magazine) That you can turn a computer moniter into a small aquarium for a betta or whatnot. :D

After seeing those pictures I have a new respect for my dell XP :rolleyes:
nice, sorry couldn't resist though, here's mine!!


  • PC_UV2.JPG
    62.9 KB · Views: 67
Don't worry she works fine, just dont have a tape drive. I heard that you can hook it up to a normal computer and save programs on a real hd.

Hey paul, is that a raidmax cas??
i have an antec lanboy.... its awesome i was gonna post a pic but it didnt' work out
mines a Zorro case and the fact is i can't afford it i'm still £400 in debt from buying the pc :p plus i only have a tank to keep fry in from the pond, so no real expense there apart from when the tank was bought which was about 20 quid from a pet shop closing down sale.

that pic was with out the green cold cathode turned on, think it looks better with only the UV on in the pitch black

i think we still have a commodore 64 somewhrer the one where the games are on tapes and takes like 30 mins for the game to load :crazy:
Custom PC's can be less expensive than pc's you buy from a store. Plus if your a hardcore modder you can add your own touch to you case.

Lol, I helped my friend paint his case the other week.... he picked out flourecent green and blue for his colours. Not the best looking cas but it was unique. I should have taken pics!
So. Do all those lights make your computer faster in the 1/4 mile and get you all the hunnies you can handle? My computer is dropped with 20's on lights yet. :-(

Just teasing.

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