ADF substrate question


Fish Addict
Feb 1, 2004
Reaction score
Nashville, TN, USA
I have a 10 gallon tank, vacant except for a host of common snails (hitchhikers -_- ). After doing a bit of soul searching and research I realized my original plan to have a few tetras or rasboras was not going to be desirable (mainly due to space constraints, and my own preference to give these fish a nice area to roam in).

More recently, I had the thought after browsing through the forums that I might get 3 ADF's and a betta and some ghost shrimp. I realize that this may or may not be viable depending on the temperament of the betta, but after doing some research I have grown fond of the idea, and would like to give it a go.

I'm considering lowering the water level in the 10 gallon a bit to make the swim to the surface a bit easier on the frogs (and a bit harder for them to jump out). I’m mindful that this will decrease the effective tank volume, so instead I may decide to put some glued-together rock ledges in to help them get closer to the surface (with a good tank hood, of course). I’d like to provide the frogs with a couple of caves to help them feel comfortable as well.

My questions are:

Do I need to do something about the snails, or can I leave them as is? I don’t mind them in the tank. I am mainly wondering if there is a frog compatibility issue.

I have a fluorite substrate right now as I am planning on a medium planting of the tank. The gravel bits seem rather sharp, and I’m concerned about it nicking up the frogs who seem to spend a lot of time at the bottom of the tank. Would it be better to pour a layer of bigger gravel over the fluorite? This was my thought.

If anybody has other thoughts or feedback about anything in this post, I’d be happy to hear it; this is my first foray into frogs and bettas, so anything I’ve said is fair game :)
The snail are completely fine where they are. I think the frogs will be ok with that gravel, but still ask around because I'm not sure.

I have my frogs in a 10 gallon and just have a fake plant about halfway up for them to rest on. The love hiding in the plant. They don't have any trouble getting up for air.

I would agree that it would be wise to put in some larger gravel. Also, the snails should be fine with the frogs, in fact they will likely clean up after the frogs if they don't eat all their bloodworms.

Personally, I don't feel putting a Betta with the frogs is a wise idea. Betta's LOVE bloodworms and frogs don't see very well so they may not get their share unless of course you are going to hand feed them. I have my frogs alone and I still hand feed with a pipette (you can also use a never seen soap turkey baster to feed them). I am planning to get a snail to help with clean up duty cuz often they will miss the bloodworm and even by morning they still have not found them!

You can click on my signature for more info on African Dwarf Frogs and I also posted a care sheet on this forum called African Dwarf Frog Care Sheet - Great Info. Have a look for it.

Thanks very much for your reply. I've already read the care sheet you posted on ADF's and also have looked at the link on your sig. Great info! I'll rethink putting the betta in the tank. Maybe a frog species tank isn't a bad idea... :)

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