Your worst disater


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
Share any fishkeeping disasters/accidents that have happened with your fish.
My biggest one was when we had our 500gal tank up with the pacus. My son, who was two at the time, fell asleep with me on the couch, well he woke up leaving me snoozing and proceeded to "feed the big fish" When he woke me up and told me that "he was a helper" I knew we had problems. :hyper: He had poured 15 pounds of rabbit alfafa pellets into the tank. :blink: Let me tell ya, these suckers break down in no time and you could not see in the tank. I had to do 75% water changes for two weeks before the tank was clean again. That's a lot of water.
Can anyone top that?
I once had to retrieve 2 live Von Rio (flame) tetras from the garbage disposal. It took 15 minutes of me trying to pick up tiny flopping fish with my fingers. Amazingly, despite a lot of fin damage, 1 lives on to this day, his fins healed so that you can't even tell which one he is, the other died a few days after the ordeal. Don't even ask how 2 tetras came to be in the garbage disposal... :crazy:
:-( :-( When I was younger (like 10) I inherited a fish tank with a pleco, two angels, and two other fish I can't remember. They did fine despite my lack of dechlorinator, test kits, medicine, ph balance or anything other than food, and the basic setup :/ . We left for the weekend and when we came back the tank was as warm as bath water! :crazy: I instantly got a cup of cold water :X , and put my fish in it. I must have cried for two days. :-( poor guys.
:( Today, I expereinced a horrible disater! As I was moving the decorations arpound, I discovered a swordtail fry in the gravel. I quickly scopped it up with the net and as I was about to flip the net over to release the fry into the breeder net, I noticed something small leap out. I just though it was a piece of gravel, but when I looked in the breeder net, the swordtail fry was not there! :eek: I immediatly dropped to the floor and started searching for the missing fry. After a minute of searching, I discovered the tiny orange fry, quickly picked it up and dropped it into the breeder net. Luckily, he wasn't harmed and is now safe. :thumbs:
I can't say this is my worst cuz it has happened more than once but here is one of my worst dissasters...
I had my first fish tank up and running for a few months with feeder guppies :rolleyes: (long time ago),kuhli loaches and bronze cories. My cousin was visiting for the weekend and was messing around with my heater!!! Anyway the next day I found all of my fish cooked at the bottom of my tank! The same thing happened to my brother's tank :( :angry:

The second time it happened I had fancy guppies and neon tetras and that was when I got back into fish keeping after a while.
A couple of months ago while doing a routine clean on a 100 litre i have in my mothers the outflow pipe from the external filter came lose from the spray bar, It spilled out all over the place before i realised what was happening, But we learn from our mistakes.
i must have told the story a thousand times on this forum but here goes
the saddest day in fish keeping for me was the day i finished cycling a 20 gallon for my red tailed black shark
he was in a community tank as a baby when he was still in the "tumble around clumsily playing with the platies and cories" stage
he was less than an inch when i got him
well when he was about 4" long, he began to show his territorial behaivior
and i was ready
soon the day came for his new tank (fully cycled and beautifully set up with many caves, plants, and shadowy places, and an air stone to play in :hyper: )
i thought he would love it
well his first night in it he was playing in the bubbles having a merry old time but i was concerned about the the heater, as it was brand new and not yet full heated
i checked it on the hour throughout the entire night
i was so concerned about boiling my fish that i forgot to do my usual head count
i woke up the next morning to see it dried into the carpet
i panicked and grabbed a net but i couldn't get it out :-(
i had to phone my mother to get him out of the carpet and i couldn't even look down in that room for the rest of the day :crazy: :-( :-( :-(

the other bad thing that happened is my entire first tank :-( :lol:
thank you petcetera for the cube of death :sick:
in the same week they sent me home with a 20 gallon containing:
2 angelfish, 1 plecostomus, 2 platy, 2 guppies, 2 white clouds, 1 cory catfish
35" of fish :X (not to mention the angels and pleco were too big)
they told me i only had to clean the tank once every several months
i gave away my pleco at 5.5" and the only survivors out of the rest were 1 angel and 1 white cloud
Nothing really bad has happened yet, but once I spilled a bunch of Melafix in the tank :X and once I forgot to dechlorinate the water before I poured it in :X
Power went out for two days after an earthquake and I lost all of my gouramis, otos, rams, and a few bettas because their tanks fell over and I couldn't find them ( they were behind the entertainment center.) I also lost a few mollies :X
when i was very little, about 6 or 5, i had my 30 gal tall tank as a breeding guppy tank. they were those feeder guppies i got one day and they just made so many fry. there were many guppies in the tank. one day my dads friend told us he had tadpoles in his pool so we decided to get some. we put one in but there was no surface it could climb on when it turned into a frog so my dad put a SPONGE IN IT. the sponge still had some soap in it so the next day i woke up to see all of my fish dead or twitchin around the tank. my dad thinks he may have disturbed me. :unsure:
I've always had fish, but sometimes I'm not that interested in them, as I was when this accident happened. I had 2-3 juvinile jewel cichlids in my tank (survivors of my 2nd batch). I went to look at them (in 20g long) and saw bubbles at the top, the water also smelled like windex. There was my 4 year old brother in the doorway with the windex. :rolleyes: We rushed the fish out and into a 15 gallon hospital tank. They made it, of course :lol: We left the tank empty for ohhh say a month :crazy: Before I becam interested in community fish insted of mean ones. I started liking fish a lot more because of 2 honey gouramis and 4 otos, (still alive) Not all disasters are bad. Other disasters would be when the jewels breed and harrass the other fish to death or to die of infections :blink:
ok so when i was younger, i had a 10 gallon(first mistake) didnt know a thing about it either, THEN i was cleaning the water so i took all the water out and stored all my fish in a 1 gallon gold fish bowl, i had a common pleco in their,bala shark,gourmai,tetras,molly,and some more, ALL IN A 1 GALLON

i feel so bad now that i knew nothing, oops :ninja:
The worst thing would probably be when the dwarf gourami tipped over my breeding trap one and he and the other fish ate 8 fry
My friend’s big 55Gal tank burst leaving all the fish stranded late on a Thursday night, he phoned me to help. When I got there I help to dry the carpets as much as we could, the fish were all in a bucket with a air pump and a heater. Since he was not all that into keeping fish no more I bought every thing from him including the broken tank, he needed the money so it was not a really good deal..

When I got home I added all that fish in a 10Gal tank, that’s all I had. I ask for some help on the forum, and was hoping to keep them alive till the weekend. So I could either fix the old tank to buy a new one.. this was the helping part the disaster came the weekend after I fixed the tank ( replaced the bottom glass ) and as we carried it into the house to its stand it was bumped on the bottom left corner, cracked the front, left and bottom glass..
I sold all the fish for a barging the next morning to the LFS.
I forgot to close the lid before bed one time and my Jack Dempsy committed suicide. Hoped right out onto the carpet. The poor guy was there all night before I came down and found him. :-( :-(

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