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  1. BackToTheFishes

    Red Cherry Shirmp Acting Up

    A HUGE water change? Do you have any activated carbon for your filter?
  2. BackToTheFishes

    Red Cherry Shirmp Acting Up

    Did you rinse the new plants well?Some have been treated with meds with copper in to kill parasites
  3. BackToTheFishes

    My 99P Tank,any Ideas?

    Gotcha nbow,I never had a weird shaped tank before,so have no clue about them,thanks :good:
  4. BackToTheFishes

    My 99P Tank,any Ideas?

    37 not 27 the calculator on here gives the standard tank shape volume for that size as 112 usg or 426 litres
  5. BackToTheFishes

    My 99P Tank,any Ideas?

    37" front 27"sides 26" tall,52 us gal according to the calculator I found
  6. BackToTheFishes

    My 99P Tank,any Ideas?

    Yeah its a crappy wood moulding,disgusting,but glued on with something designed by NASA! :( Think I'm going to need to sand it and paint it
  7. BackToTheFishes

    My Girls

    where are yellow.polka and bikini? :P
  8. BackToTheFishes

    My 99P Tank,any Ideas?

    lmao!!! I know,I think the problem was it was pickup only,and looking on a map,the place it was from was the middle of nowhere,but I knew better :P :lol:
  9. BackToTheFishes

    My 99P Tank,any Ideas?

    Came with a fluval 4 too :P muahaha hmmmm,puffers,interesting! :good: Interesting too,this could be fun!!!!!! :D
  10. BackToTheFishes

    My 99P Tank,any Ideas?

    This is the tank I won for 99p on ebay! :hyper: Any ideas what I can do with it?Its 50gal
  11. 99ptank.jpg


  12. BackToTheFishes

    Lights On Longer

    Buy a bigger tank! :P muahahaha
  13. BackToTheFishes

    Lights On Longer

    ooooooo you got little posers!! :P nice!!! :good:
  14. BackToTheFishes

    Breeding Tank!

    Well if my limited breeding experience is anything to go by,if she's ready to drop,then you'll wake up tomorrow with a trap full of little guppies,Mine dropped them after lights out :)
  15. BackToTheFishes

    Breeding Tank!

    ohhhh,you mean a breeding trap that hangs on the tank?
  16. BackToTheFishes

    Breeding Tank!

    have you got a breeding mop in there? edit,oops,not sure if thats just for egg scatterers
  17. BackToTheFishes

    Unknown Insect (?) In Tank Any of these?
  18. BackToTheFishes

    Lights On Longer

    Yup,mine are the same ;)
  19. BackToTheFishes

    Lights On Longer

    Awesome fish,liveliest tetras I ever had :D Good luck getting pics! :lol:
  20. BackToTheFishes

    Fluval 205 Ext Filter

    No,that stops the water backflowing into the tank when you clean the filter,for easier priming
  21. BackToTheFishes

    Lights On Longer

    I just saw a tankfull of these,I already have some,couldnt get more coz my angels would have a feast! :S lol Enjoy them!
  22. BackToTheFishes

    One-Eyed Catfish Either of these Lindsey?
  23. BackToTheFishes

    One-Eyed Catfish

    Sort of the wrong thing to say considering the problem? :lol: I had a cory a few months ago with an eye loss because of an attack,you WOULD notice straight away :S
  24. BackToTheFishes

    All Pond Solution Filters

    Oooooo *watch topic* I may be getting 2 of these for my big tank :P
  25. BackToTheFishes

    Hma Only Water Change.

    Same plan I have when I get my big tank running!Great minds! lol I read on here that HMA water only takes out the bad stuff in tapwater and leaves the good,so totally safe straight into the tank :good:
  26. BackToTheFishes

    My Dads Tanks!

    People who THINK they know what they're doing are a pain in the vertical smile!Just wont be told they are wrong :angry: Can you just risk an argument and get things sorted in the tanks while he's out?
  27. BackToTheFishes

    Hydra Like Thing In Tank

    Any chance of pics?
  28. BackToTheFishes

    Dead Hatchets

    Is it possible they died of natural causes?The plecs would have nibbled away after death
  29. BackToTheFishes

    Suggestions For New Fish In 15G

    A pair of dwarf gouramis?
  30. BackToTheFishes

    In Theory

    The only thing I know for SURE is going in the tank so far is WATER! :shout: :lol:
  31. BackToTheFishes

    In Theory

    Ok I've gotta ask what will probably be a silly question,have oscars been bred to be calmer in the last 10 years?When I kept them in the past they were EVIL!I still have a scar from mine biting my hand whenever I tried to re-arrange rocks they'd moved! :S lol
  32. BackToTheFishes

    In Theory

    If I put territories/caves at either end of the tank,you think I could get 2 smallish pairs in?not the same species obviously
  33. BackToTheFishes

    I Am A Sucker For A Sob Story!

    Awwwwwwwww :( I'm sure he'll start getting better now he's got room to spread out One of my angels tails had rotted/nipped almost to the bone only a couple of weeks ago and already growing back strong,dont worry
  34. BackToTheFishes

    I Am A Sucker For A Sob Story!

    ahhh the joys of oscar ownership! hahaha
  35. BackToTheFishes

    Closing Down Sale

    For anyone in the area,the fish people at grosvenor garden centre is having a half price closing down sale this weekend,25th and 26th sept.Opens at 10.30am :hyper:
  36. BackToTheFishes

    Large Empty Tank And Thinking Of Oscars.....

    Are these meant to be expensive?My lfs had these in a few weeks ago for 8 quid each,about 2"
  37. BackToTheFishes

    Who Built A Web Like This?

    Good gawd that reminds me of Arachnophobia! :S GREAT pics!!
  38. BackToTheFishes

    In Theory

    DUDE!! You're KILLING ME!!!!!!! lol it's gonna take me days to go thru those!! lmao Thanks tho,I think :grr: lol
  39. BackToTheFishes

    Large Empty Tank And Thinking Of Oscars.....

    I just read that tex's are "highly aggressive" :S all depends on the individual I'm guessing?