Breeding Tank!


New Member
Sep 24, 2010
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Widnes, Cheshire, England
Ok so I don't know whether I'm supposed to post this here or not? :S but I'm stressing out about my guppy. I've read all the articles about when they are about to give birth and so I'm thinking she's ready although she isn't as still as they all say but that could be because the males will not leave her alone!! Constantly pecking at her underparts and so because she looked so stressed I put her into the breeding tank but now I'm not sure whether I should have done this and if she will get even more stressed in there :S

Or maybe I'm just too much of a stresshead haha!! X
No I've not got one of those. She is trying to get out of the breeding tank and the other guppys are trying to get in with her now haha!

Why are fish so stressful :p x
Well if my limited breeding experience is anything to go by,if she's ready to drop,then you'll wake up tomorrow with a trap full of little guppies,Mine dropped them after lights out :)
How many males & females do you have? Best setup for breeding guppys is a tank with lots of floating plants, it doesn't matter if they are live or plastic, the more the better.
That's what all the livebearer breeders I know do. They're usually the ones buying the ugly plastic plants cheap at the auctions.
I'd leave her where she is for the night, either the tank or the trap. No reason to move a fish around without reason, especially one that is ready to drop.
Ahh doesn't matter anyway just checked on her and she's managed to jump out of the trap back into the tank!! Ill leave her in the tank then now but thanks!! X

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