Hydra Like Thing In Tank


Fish Gatherer
Sep 1, 2009
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

In my coldwater tank I have hydra like things in my tank (I have hydra in there as well and something else) - or I may have them muddled up.

I have little hydras about 0.5cm long, look like trees (kind of), and I now have like huge hydra things growing next to them (these are what I would like to know what they are), they are white/pale green, have a stem and about 5/6 'branches' coming off them. They are about an inch long.

Basically what I want to know, is what are they, as I think I've made an error in identifying them.

Note: When I google "hydra like thing in tank" (lol) it brings up pictures of the larger things and not the smaller things....so I'm confused.
I can get pics of the bigger things but not of the smaller things. Although I can post a link to something identical later from google (link is blocked at work until lunch time :()

Edit: the bigger things appear to definately be hydra. I've found pics on a different forum but can't post the link cos it'll get blocked.

The little things look like tiny hydra....but I dont think they are.

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