Just posted this in Mattlees post as well but thought it might help you out in theory as well
Its a list of cichlids I have been researching but is by no means limitless and there are tons more species out there
Also the SA ones are not all just cichlids but dithers and catfish as well
Amphilophus Amarillo
Amphilophus Diquis
Amphilophus Hogaboomorum
Amphilophus Lonimanus
Archocentrus Centrarchus
Cichlasoma Salvini
Cryptoheros Nanoluteus
Cryptoheros sp. Honduran Red Point - and yes I know the cryptoheros name is no longer valid
"-----"-----" Sajica
"-----"-----" Spilurus
Hypsophrys Nicaraguensis - like in my pic yes thats a female a good male pic is in Davos pic
Neetroplus Nematopus
Theraps Coeruleus
Theraps Lentiginosus
Thorichtys - Aureus, Ellioti, Socolofi, Pasionis or one of the nice sp. species that are sometimes available
So those are the ones for the mini centrals idea list like I say Im not fully researched on these yet but most of the species (basically all but most of the Ampilophus) I would be okay to suggest some kind of mix not sure how though.
If you were going for South Americans thats an other story, Geophagus Alitfrons, Satanoperca Auticeps and Lillith, Uaru Fernandexyepezi, Heros sp. Rotkiel, Heros Apendicious, Heros Severus, Krobia sp. Rio Xingu, Hoplarchus Psittacus, Bujurquina Vittata, Cichlasoma Boliviense, Laetacara Thayeri, Tahuantinsuyoa Macantzata (inca stone fish) a few angel fish or some festivum plus headstanders, gars, lima catfish, pictus, duckbilled knife fish, black ghost knife, Royal Plecs, Whiptail Plecs