Dead Hatchets


Dec 13, 2009
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I don't see them much as there normally hid behind the overhanging vallis. However I did go look for them last night and only found 1! After searching abit longer I found 3 half eaten hatchets among the plants :(

I'm ruling out the angels as there wimps. I've recently put in a red tailed shark as it was causing mayhem in my girlfriends tank. Since putting him in mine he's been very quiet and hid away a lot of time. So I'm ruling him out. Or should I? Only 1.5 inches. As much as I don't want it to be, I'm guessing its the kribs. Maybe its time for them to go :'(
I tested straight after I found out, and the results were the same as usual. There was no sign of disease last time I saw them. Hmmmmm....
Could have been the angel fish in the night as hatchets and angels inhabit similar regions of the tank... Could have been the kribs though....
The kribs seem to inhabit the whole taak at the minute! Ha
Could be the kribensis but it's unlikely that they would kill surface dweller. I think it's the Angelfish

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