I Am A Sucker For A Sob Story!

Chops has made himself right at home, came down this morning to his whole tank turned upside down plastic plants floating all over the place. I have put them all back again and he was constantly swimming around my hand nudging me with his nose, not biting just nudging. He seems to have a bit of bother with sinking food if he gets a mouthfull of gravel he has trouble expelling the gravel due to his wonky jaw. He actually has a tummy this morning and food is comming out the other end ok :sick: Going to feed him every 4 hours with just a couple of bits of food for a few days then feed him normally once I am happy all internal workings are fine.

As for his future, we have decided we will try him in our other tanks see how he gets on, if there are problems he will have to be re-homed :sad: I am pretty sure he is stunted on account of his huge eyes, will have to see if he grows over the next month or so. Although the way my hubby keeps waving at him and talking to him I think another tank maybe in the pipeline :lol:
ahhh the joys of oscar ownership! hahaha
I have noticed something awfully wrong with Chops :sad: his front bottom fins (the long ones) I thought had white streaks, its not white streaks its the bones sticking out, the rest of the fin is not attached! obviously from sitting on the bottom of the tank in the shop for so long (which was 18"x12"!) he has scraped away then ends of the fin leaving the bone sticking out!
Awwwwwwwww :( I'm sure he'll start getting better now he's got room to spread out
One of my angels tails had rotted/nipped almost to the bone only a couple of weeks ago and already growing back strong,dont worry
Fresh and clean oxygenated water and a good diet aught to fix his fins there Lesley. I shouldnt worry to much. Besides he sounds like a sight for sore eyes anyway, so its just one more thing that'll gradually improve (hopefully) over time. I'm glad he's settled in nicely.

All this talk of more tanks, i'm beginning to wonder if you'll even have room for my dempsey fry when they are eventually successfull ;)
No worries James, I have a spot reserved for my JD :good: Got loads of o2 going in the water and he will have daily wc till he is 100%.

Well after having Chops a day I am laughing my socks off at the thought of all those people who bypassed his tank because of his looks. He is already hand feeding and takes food so gentle. He can rattle the lid of the tank (unfortunately its only a plastic condensation tray :crazy: ) for attention, he has found the thermometer and rattles that for attention and he wags so frantically as soon as he see's me its lovely. Sitting at the computer he watches me constantly and if I lean to one side he copies me, he is just soooooo adorable :wub:
Carefull. You seriously making me concider getting an Oscar :p haha
No worries James, I have a spot reserved for my JD :good: Got loads of o2 going in the water and he will have daily wc till he is 100%.

Well after having Chops a day I am laughing my socks off at the thought of all those people who bypassed his tank because of his looks. He is already hand feeding and takes food so gentle. He can rattle the lid of the tank (unfortunately its only a plastic condensation tray :crazy: ) for attention, he has found the thermometer and rattles that for attention and he wags so frantically as soon as he see's me its lovely. Sitting at the computer he watches me constantly and if I lean to one side he copies me, he is just soooooo adorable :wub:

I`m sat here reading your posts saying "Ahhhh int that sweet" to myself :blush: :lol: :lol:

He really does sound like a right cutie :good:
'Ahhhh aint this sweet' is what im thinking reading this! :D
Im so glad Chops is better. Maybe you can buy another Oscar and call her 'Pork' or 'Sticks'! :lol:
Any way, I hope the little fella gets better ;)
Aww bless him, I'm really glad you were able to rescue him. Poor Oscars have such a hard deal a lot of the time. It saddens me seeing the little guys in the shops, and I just hope they go into big enough tanks.
I am so pleased with Chops, the large white patch under his eye has dissapeared this morning, it was fading all day yesterday, but this morning its completely gone. He will eat absolutely anything!! and keeps tormenting the 2 other bigger oscars in the tank next door :lol: I swear he has also grown overnight, he is in my 80l quaranteen tank at the mo and he now seems to make it look tiny :crazy: Had a measure up this morning and I can only fit my rio 125 in the same space so he may move house in the next couple of days give him a little more fin room untill he is ready to be introduced into one of the other tanks. Hubby has mentioned moveing the freezer from under the stairs and getting a tank in there, I think Chops has got into his heart too especially as I heard him saying last night " night night, sleep well, see you in the morning" I thought he was saying goodnight to the dog till I saw him waving at Chops :lol:
Another Rio 400 can be seen hazely on the horizon, or is it a 300?

Lol, its fantastic news :) Once the two of you are hooked on him/her then theres no going back.
A 300 is an option, but would need to shorten the stand to get it under the stairs :lol: It depends on if he does in fact grow much more as I think he is stunted, but the big eyes maybe just down to the deformed jaw. If he doesnt grow much more I will have a spare rio 180 once the rest of the rotkeils have gone, its going to be a case of wait and see, although the amount of food he is putting away I think he will grow, he is just trying cucumber at the moment. Bless him he spent 20 mins just hovering under it, eyes rolling like crazy till I broke a little bit off and hand fed him. He is having a good go at it now :lol:

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