Suggestions For New Fish In 15G


New Member
May 26, 2006
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I currently have a 15G that has 6 black phantom tetras and 4 cories (not sure what species, but they were called Decker cories at the store which doesn't seem to be a real name). I'm looking into getting some new fish, but preferably something that's more "interesting" and colourful. I don't really want to get more tetras; those would probably be my last choice right now. I also don't want livebearers as I've had bad luck with those in the past, not to mention they often carry parasites. Any suggestions for what would be some good additions?
if you keep your water quality good, a pair of german or bolivian rams will make a fantastic centre peice fish. i dont really like gouriami's, all iv had have died in the hospital tank so given up on them.
I also think that German Blue Rams or even Apistos would make a good choice for your tank. The Cories you have are sometimes nicknamed Decker Cory or Deckeri Corydoras. The correct name is simply Corydoras sp. (C 003), there is no common name for them.
I once bought a German blue ram a few years ago, but it died in less than a week. I was pretty sure my tank was stable and well maintained enough too (did weekly water changes and good temps, etc..) so I'm a bit apprehensive about getting those again. Although it may have been just because it was from a bad batch, but I'm not sure. I just couldn't figure out why it died in my tank since all the parameters were ok! I'll consider getting a pair of rams though, as they do look really nice.
Maybe your GBR died because it was in an immature tank. Rams, neon and cardinal tetras all slowly d1e off in a newly set up tank.(6 months or less)
Hm, I guess that's possible. I did also have neons back then but they all survived except for one (but that one was really tiny and frail looking when I got it anyways) so I thought it was strange that the ram died so quickly. So now, it should be fine to keep rams since my tank is a few years old?
Deffo, if the water stats are correct, rams are relatively easy to care for.
rams are sensitive to any fluctuating water parameters. you will need to keep ammonia and nitite at 0ppm, and nitrate shouldnt really go above 10ppm. also they apreciate soft water. but depends where they were bred. if your water is always at tip top condition with no spikes like you get in new set ups then they should be fine.
Cichlids are not always a good choice as companions for corydoras. They often tend to be aggressive to the defenseless corys.

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