Lights On Longer


Fish Gatherer
Mar 14, 2010
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Having my tank lights on longer for one day won't do my fish or plants any harm will it?

I'm hopefully picking up my Green Neons today and I want to clean my tank in a min before I go get them. My lights don't usually come on till 1.30 but I've just switched them on coz frankly I could see half my fish were still asleep and I need them to wake up coz a) I don't want to frighten them when I do my W/C and b) I don't want them to be grumpy and unfriendly when their new flatmates come.

It's ok is it?
They'll be fine, my lights go on at different times of the day,depending when i get home.
Days i dont work the lights stay on longer :)
It'll be fine :)

Enjoy your Green neons; I have a shoal of 18 and I absolutely love them :D
Hi, thanks!

I emailed the guy last weekend and asked him to reserve me some and he never replied so I hope all was well with them and he has.
Yeah; the last batch our LFS had in were absolutely tiny. Can't be longer than about 1/2". I'm currently growing on a dozen for my mum as she has a few fish that would definitely see them as 'snack food'!
Eeek I hope they're not that small, I wouldn't trust my big Platy. I really think had my Pygmys been any smaller when I got them he'd have had them. I'm 99% sure he ate a baby snail whole.
They are so small!!!!

I asked the lady to pick the biggest one's she could so hopefully they'll be ok. Cross your fingers for me!

how many did you get?

love these fish.
pictures please!!! :D
Hi, I got 7. All being well and all fish live then that's me at my final stocking now.

I'll try and get some pics later :hyper:
LOl I know, they're doing their nut in the bag.

Is their red line meant to be far less prominent than in normal Neons?
Ah cool. I think they're happy so far, they're playing in the filter flow. Other fish don't seem to have taken any notice.

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