Just a thought but Ive been talking to someone else about maybe doing this in my tank but it would look awesome in your tank just as well if not better due to the extra room.
So here it is, a mid sized Centrals tank. It would be all rare cichlids but all would be highly interactive and have fantastic markings and colours but they are all chosen due to their smaller stature
So thats things like most of the Theraps Genus I love Theraps Coeruleus and Theraps Lentiginosus both get to between 6-8 inches and look like veijas/paratheps but with less aggression from what Ive been told these are on a par with firemouths and the like. So thats where my idea comes from mixing some of these mini giants with the more common Centrals like firemouths and ellioti to get this stunning mix of the more interactive species and still get the colour and a lot of the smaller CA cichlids have truly amazing breeding behaviour though perhaps in a community thats not the best choice. So a list of the species I have been looking at -
Also just a brief disclamer before I give this google list, this is just based on size and brief descriptions I have read relating to their levels of aggression, it is by far an ongoing research thing Im doing. Im not sure on easy they will be to find either - but equally any info on these for me would be interesting. And lastly this is a list based on fish I have seen and liked hence why Im suggesting them there may be other similar examples others know of
Amphilophus Amarillo
Amphilophus Diquis
Amphilophus Hogaboomorum
Amphilophus Lonimanus
Archocentrus Centrarchus
Cichlasoma Salvini
Cryptoheros Nanoluteus
Cryptoheros sp. Honduran Red Point - and yes I know the cryptoheros name is no longer valid
"-----"-----" Sajica
"-----"-----" Spilurus
Hypsophrys Nicaraguensis - like in my pic yes thats a female a good male pic is in Davos pic
Neetroplus Nematopus
Theraps Coeruleus
Theraps Lentiginosus
Thorichtys - Aureus, Ellioti, Socolofi, Pasionis or one of the nice sp. species that are sometimes available
So those are the ones for the mini centrals idea list like I say Im not fully researched on these yet but most of the species (basically all but most of the Ampilophus) I would be okay to suggest some kind of mix not sure how though.
If you were going for South Americans thats an other story, Geophagus Alitfrons, Satanoperca Auticeps and Lillith, Uaru Fernandexyepezi, Heros sp. Rotkiel, Heros Apendicious, Heros Severus, Krobia sp. Rio Xingu, Hoplarchus Psittacus, Bujurquina Vittata, Cichlasoma Boliviense, Laetacara Thayeri, Tahuantinsuyoa Macantzata (inca stone fish) a few angel fish or some festivum plus headstanders, gars, lima catfish, pictus, duckbilled knife fish, black ghost knife, Royal Plecs, Whiptail Plecs
yeah those should confuse you a bit more
happy googling also a good site for profiles if you dont already know it seriously fish.com and also tropical fish finder is good for profiles.